
Binational Center
International Language Institute

Official BINC - Texas A&M International University - Binational Center


WHTC Flags ili BiNational Center


The Office of Global Initiatives/Binational Center enhances relationships between Texas A&M International University and the global community by promoting civic and social organizations and institutions through research, education, leadership, and public service.

What We Do

  • Create communication streams between Texas A&M International University, foreign universities, and organizations through memorandums of understanding.
  • Design educational venues to disseminate information on contemporary issues that contribute to the successful development of international relationships between practitioners, governments, and their organizations.
  • Enhance and support the development of binational community service programs.
  • Support public service with specific programs geared to train and develop strategies for cross-border collaboration in global communities.
  • Collaborate with local and international non-profit organizations through strategic training programs that support their development.
  • Train, develop, and educate the next generation of leaders through engagements with the local and global community.
  • Create language programs through the International Language Institute, structured for the international student and community who want to excel in an academic or professional setting.
  • International Language Institute
  • International Executive Seminars
  • Program for International Nonprofit Excellence
  • International Endeavors
  • Memorandums of Agreement and Memorandums of Understanding
  • Non-academic Certificate Programs

The Office of Global Initiatives / Binational Center is a member of the World Affairs Councils of America, the largest national non-partisan network of 90 Councils in over 42 states working on deepening their communities' global perspective.


AIC Tower

For additional information contact:
Texas A&M International University
Binational Center
International Language Institute

5201 University Boulevard
Lamar Bruni Vergara Science Center 301 (Main Office)
Lamar Bruni Vergara Science Center 201 (ILI)
Laredo, TX 78041-1900
Tel: 956.326.2834
Fax: 956.326.2836
Email: binationalcenter@tamiu.edu

Office Hours:
Mon. - Fri., 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

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