TAMIU Weather Update 2025-01-17 15:26:00
Due to the threat of severe winter weather, TAMIU will be closed on Tuesday, Jan. 21.
  • Offices closed Monday, Jan. 20 (MLK Day)
  • Offices closed & classes cancelled Tuesday, Jan. 21
  • Regular office hours resume Wednesday, Jan. 22 at 8 a.m.
Stay safe and warm! Follow updates on SafeZone, and official TAMIU email, social media, and website updates. In case of emergency, contact TAMIU Campus Police at (956) 326-2100. Late Registration continues through Jan. 27: go.tamiu.edu/registration

Frequently Asked Questions for Students

Disability is defined by the ADA Amendments Act of 2008 as a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits (impairs, prohibits, or significantly restricts) one or more life activities; or a record of such an impairment, or being regarded as having such an impairment.

According to Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, "substantially limiting" is defined as being unable to perform a major life activity, or the student is significantly restricted as to the condition, manner, or duration under which a major life activity can be performed, in comparison to the average person or to most people.

Major life activities are many and varied and may include such functions as caring of one's self, working, performing manual tasks, seeing, hearing, eating, sleeping, walking, standing, lifting, bending, speaking, breathing, learning, reading, concentrating, listening, thinking, communicating, memorizing, and processing information just to name a few.

Universities are required by Section 504 and Title II to provide students with disabilities with appropriate academic adjustments and auxiliary aids and services that are necessary to afford an individual with a disability an equal opportunity to participate in the school’s program. An example of an academic adjustment is extra time to take a test. Examples of auxiliary aids include note takers, interpreters, readers, and specialized computer equipment.
TAMIU complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, and state and local requirements regarding the provision of accommodations to students with disabilities. Academic accommodations are provided to qualified students with a disability or disabilities in compliance with federal and state regulations. The students may or may not need documentation. Additionally, the barriers that the team identifies are what will be addressed with accommodations. This is determined through an interactive process with each student.

Documentation should have:

  • Specific diagnoses;
  • Documentation does not need to be current but will vary on a case by case basis.
  • Evaluation findings that support all diagnoses, to include relevant background history, tests administered, test scores (composite and subtest scores), test results, and interpretation of test results;”
  • How identified disabilities (problem areas or diagnoses) substantially impair day-to-day functioning of a major life area(s). A description of the student’s functional limitations and how the limitations are directly related to the stated disabilities.
  • Specific recommendations for accommodations for curriculum, instruction and testing that are based on identified diagnoses and associated functional impairments is needed;
  • Documentation should be on a letterhead, typed, dated, and signed with the evaluator’s name, address, telephone number (in the event that the office needs to contact them), and professional credentials relevant to the diagnosis (see template forms).

Every university is required to have an office or an individual responsible for ensuring equal access for students with disabilities. The Office of Disability Services for Students is located at Student Center 124. Office Phone: 956.326.3086 or email at disabilityservices@tamiu.edu. To begin you may submit an application through Accessible Information Management (AIM).

New and Renewing Students

Accessible Information Management (AIM)

Students should submit their application or renewals as soon as possible to ensure (recommended 2 to 4 weeks in advance) that expensive, or difficult to arrange accommodations are ready by the first day of class.

For example, if Brailled texts are required, a list of the required books should be submitted as soon as possible prior to these needed services to ensure adequate time to have the textbooks Brailled since many colleges outsource this service and it is a very time-consuming process. You may submit your requests through the Accessible Information Management Portal (AIM).

New and Renewing Students

Accessible Information Management

Students may apply, submit documentation, and be approved for accommodations at any point during the semester. Any grades already in place or tests taken BEFORE accommodations were granted will not be changed or repeated with accommodations. Not all accommodations can be immediately implemented, and no grades given during the implementation period will be changed. You may apply or renew for accommodations through the AIM Portal.

New and Renewing Students

Accessible Information Management

Students are not charged for academic accommodations which are determined by the university to be necessary to ensure equal access for a student with disabilities.

No, a student is not required to use all of their accommodation for each class. Additionally, not all accommodations will be applicable to all courses. Online courses may render accommodations such as notetaking services or preferred seating innecessary.

The faculty notification letter is sent to the professors through AIM. It is in the student's best interest to meet and discuss the Faculty Notification Letter with them as soon as possible, preferably before the semester begins. This will initiate a dialogue between the student and the professor about the accommodations. Students are not required to disclose their disability to their professors.

University accommodations usually differ considerably from high school modifications. University's are not required by law to provide modified curriculum, different tests, reduced assignments, or personal assistance of any sort.

Accommodations between universities may not transfer as each University's Disability Office or Personnel decide what is an appropriate academic accommodation for their University's courses.

Reasons for not approving accommodations received at a previous university include but are not limited to:

  • The documentation does not meet the university’s guidelines
  • The documentation does not support the requested accommodation
  • The accommodation would fundamentally alter the activity, course, or program
  • The accommodation is in conflict with the academic policies of the university
  • Providing the accommodation would pose a direct threat to the student or others
  • Providing the accommodation would constitute an undue financial or administrative burden to the university

Students are the primary person responsible for discussing their accommodation letters with Faculty. If a student has an online course which never meets with Faculty, the student is still responsible to discuss their accommodations with their professors.

The office of DSS sends Faculty notification letters of the student’s accommodations at the request of the student through AIM. However, it is still recommended that the student discuss their accommodations with the professor either through the phone, in person, or through email to ensure that there are no issues with the courses and the approved academic accommodations.

Additionally, the student is still responsible for arranging all testing requests when approved for Alternative Testing Accommodation. This includes submitting test requests through AIM in order to take exams with their accommodations at least 48 business hours before the exam.

No. Faculty have no obligation to provide any accommodations to a student without the Faculty Notification Letter issued by the office of Disability Services for Students. All accommodations must be approved by DSS before Faculty is obligated to provide any accommodations to a student.

Faculty are urged to refer students to DSS if the student is requesting accommodations without an official DSS accommodation letter.

Universities are not responsible for providing any services of a personal nature, including transportation (unless transportation is being provided for all students as in the case of a field trip or athletics). Students must arrange all services themselves, or request assistance from an outside agency such as the Texas Workforce Solutions-Vocational Rehabilitation Services.

For medical services students are encouraged to contact their primary care providers and the student health services if needed. TAMIU student health services can be reached at:

Student Center 125 (Outside STC)

Phone: 956.326.2235

Email: studenthealth@tamiu.edu

Fax: 956.326.2234


TAMIU students can also visit Dusty's Pantry for Personal Care products.


Texas Vocational Rehabilitation Services


Phone: 512.936.6400

Email: vr.office.locator@twc.texas.gov

Most universities do not waive essential courses in a student’s curriculum. If the course is part of the “Core Curriculum” required by the university’s state, the course will most likely NOT be waived.

However, every university should have a policy in place to evaluate possible course substitutions when a student’s disability precludes them from being able to successfully complete that course. The DSS office becomes a support for a course substitution at TAMIU. The student will need to contact their respective department(s) in order to have a course substitution approved.

Texas A&M International University's Disability Services for Students offers a variety of services for students with disabilities, including the following: accessible furniture in classrooms, assistance in recruiting note takers, assistance in ordering audio books, equipment loan (e.g.,Audio Recorders, Livescribe Echo Pen, Colored Overlays), materials enlarged (e.g., exams, handouts), sign language interpreters, alternative testing arrangements, and other reasonable services.

  • Plan ahead and apply for or renew your accommodations as soon as possible
  • Have your required documentation ready
  • Communicate with the Disability Office
  • Be ready to be your own advocate

AIM Portal

Accessible Information Management (AIM)

Contact Us

Office of Disability Services for Students
Student Center (STC) 124
Phone: 956.326.3086
Fax: 956.326.3083
Email: disabilityservices@tamiu.edu
TAMIU Website: www.tamiu.edu/disability
Facebook: www.facebook.com/txamiu.disabilityservices