TAMIU Weather Update 2025-01-17 15:26:00
Due to the threat of severe winter weather, TAMIU will be closed on Tuesday, Jan. 21.
  • Offices closed Monday, Jan. 20 (MLK Day)
  • Offices closed & classes cancelled Tuesday, Jan. 21
  • Regular office hours resume Wednesday, Jan. 22 at 8 a.m.
Stay safe and warm! Follow updates on SafeZone, and official TAMIU email, social media, and website updates. In case of emergency, contact TAMIU Campus Police at (956) 326-2100. Late Registration continues through Jan. 27: go.tamiu.edu/registration

Classroom Accommodations

It is important that every student be given equal access to materials and information presented in class. This should not be reduced by personal limitations.

Common in-class accommodations:

Preferential Seating

This accommodation is provided to students for many different reasons. A student with a visual impairment may request preferential seating at the front to better see the slides, overheads, or chalkboard. Students with hearing impairments may request this to better hear the instructor or to accommodate their Sign Language interpreter. A student with anxiety may request preferential seating at the back of the room for easy access to the door should they have a panic attack. Students with limited mobility may need access to a specific row or wheelchair accessible table.

Notetaking, Copies of Overheads, Recording Lectures

Students may require assistance obtaining materials presented in class because of limitations resulting from their disability. These accommodations include requesting copies of the overheads presented in class, the ability to record lectures, taking pictures of the board, use of a computer, and a student notetaker. For most students with disabilities these accommodations are meant to supplement the student’s own notes. Examples of students that may require these accommodations are students with learning disabilities or physical impairments. An exception would be Deaf students or students that are hard of hearing that completely rely on note takers since they are unable to watch their Sign Language interpreter and take notes at the same time. The student’s accommodations letters describes these requests as follows:

  • Copies of Power Points – Copies of lecture materials provided to student. This includes materials such as instructor’s overheads and PowerPoint presentations.
  • Pictures of board – Student may take photographs of the board, PowerPoints, and other overheads as needed. If there is a concern about the student taking photographs, please contact the Office of Disability Services for Students to discuss.
  • Recording lecture – Student may audio record lecture. If there is a concern about the student recording lecture, please contact the Office of Disability Services for Students to discuss.
  • Notetaking technology – Use of technology, such as a laptop or tablet to assist with notetaking.
  • Student notetaker – Use of copies of notes from a student notetaker. A student notetaker from the course will be identified and managed by the Office of Disability Services for Students.
  • Time allowances -- Student may require extended time to complete examination.

More information about Auxiliary Aids and Services for Postsecondary Students with Disabilities from the Office of Civil Rights (OCR).

When students are approved for these accommodations the Disability Coordinator discusses and shares specific guidelines for using this accommodations:

AIM Portal

Accessible Information Management (AIM)

Contact Us

Office of Disability Services for Students
Student Center (STC) 124
Phone: 956.326.3086
Fax: 956.326.3083
Email: disabilityservices@tamiu.edu
TAMIU Website: www.tamiu.edu/disability
Facebook: www.facebook.com/txamiu.disabilityservices