TAMIU Weather Update 2025-01-17 15:26:00
Due to the threat of severe winter weather, TAMIU will be closed on Tuesday, Jan. 21.
  • Offices closed Monday, Jan. 20 (MLK Day)
  • Offices closed & classes cancelled Tuesday, Jan. 21
  • Regular office hours resume Wednesday, Jan. 22 at 8 a.m.
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2020 - 2021
Faculty Publications, Presentations, Creative Activities, and Grants


Maroonroge, S., Translation of “The New Verbotonal Speech Treatment” by Dr. Carl Asp at University of Tennessee in Knoxville, TN, Published by Plural Publisher 521 Ruffin Road San Diego, CA 92123. Verbotonal System is a strategy designed to improve the auditory and speech skills of children and adults with hearing loss. (in progress)

Chapters/Essays in Books


Journal Articles


Editorial Work


Conference Presentations

Cho, S., Yoon, Y., Choi, H., & Kwon, S. (2019). Effectiveness of an individualized imagery intervention on golf putting performance. Presented at the AASP annual conference (online)

Kwon, S., Yook, D. W., Cho, S., & Choi, H. (2020). A development of a college life adaptation program for freshman student-athletes. Presented at the AASP annual conference (online)

Robledo, R., Garcia, M (2020) Clinical Education Comparison of Virtual Vs. Face To Face Clinical Practicum Education LBV Conference.

Conference Proceedings

Cho, S., Yoon, Y., Choi, H., & Kwon, S. (2019). Effectiveness of an individualized imagery intervention on golf putting performance.

Kwon, S., Yook, D. W., Cho, S., & Choi, H. (2020). A development of a college life adaptation program for freshman student-athletes.

Salazar-Collier, CL., Booth. R., Blakeslee, B., Kellar, L., Maxwell, R., Whigham, L., Miryoung, L.,& Lindheim, S. (November 2-6,2020). Patient Perspectives: Quality of Care and Weight-Related Communication in OBGYN vs Family Practice. Selected as a poster presentation at the 2020 Obesity Society Annual Meeting- Virtual Meeting due to COVID-19 pandemic.

Whelsh, S., Salazar-Collier, CL., Blakeslee, B., Kellar, L., Maxwell, R., Whigham, L., Miryoung, L.,& Lindheim, S. (November 2-6, 2020). Physician Perspectives: Quality of Care and Weight-Related Communication in OBGYN vs Family Practice. Selected as a poster presentation at the 2020 Obesity Society Annual Meeting- Virtual Meeting due to COVID-19 pandemic.

Arif, A, Salazar-Collier CL, Hoosain J, Kaoukis R, Mishra S, Rakita V, Lee I & Abdelwahab D (June 3, 2020). Renal Outcomes and Incidence of Kidney Injury after Cardiac Transplantation. Selected as a poster presentation at the 2020 Sol Sherry Research Symposium- Lewis Katz School of Medicine at Temple University. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Garcia, M. P. (Presenter & Author). Organisation Mondiale pour l’Education Prescolaire, 72nd OMEP World Assembly and Conference. “Impact of Screen-Time on Language Development: Parent Perceptions. (July 12-16, 2020) Due to the pandemic the conference was rescheduled for summer of 2021.

Garcia, M. P. (Presenter & Author), Belize International Symposium on Education, "Critical Reflection in International Service-Learning Programs," BISE, Belize City, Belize. (January 3, 2020).

Maroonroge, S., Kuo, C.Y., and Chen, H.C., Probable Association of Hearing Loss, Hypertension and Diabetes in Hispanic and Chinese Patients Paper accepted for presentation at AAA Convention in New Orleans, April, 2020. The convention was cancelled due to COVID-19.

Maroonroge, S., Kuo, C.Y., and Chen, H.C., From NBHS to Deaf Education 2030: Exploring Challenges and impacts in Asia Pacific, Patients Paper accepted for presentation at AAA Convention in New Orleans, April, 2020.The convention was cancelled due to COVID-19.

Maroonroge, S., Kuo, C.Y., and Chen, H.C. “Newborn Hearing Screening to UN Education 2030 Exploring Challenges & Impacts in Asia Pacific (13145), Paper submitted for ASHA Convention for 2020 in Nov. in San Diego. CA. The submission received Meritorious Poster award for 2020. Since this poster was classified as the exemplary submission, ASHA encouraged us to give this presentation in 2021 convention in Washington DC. The 2020 convention was cancelled due to COVID-19.

*Cicone ZS, Fedewa BS, Nickerson BS, Esco MR. Development and cross-validation of an equation to predict underwater residual lung volume in healthy men and women. National Strength and Conditioning Association 2020 Annual Conference, Las Vegas, NV. (conference proceeding).

*Medrano NF, *Duque M, Nickerson BS, Fedewa MV, Esco MR. Accuracy of DXA versus a novel method of digital image processing for fat-free mass detennination: relative comparisons to a 3-compartmetn model. National Strength and Conditioning Association 2020 Annual Conference, Las Vegas, NV. (conference proceeding).

*Metoyer CJ, Nickerson BS, Esco MR, Fedewa MV. Fat mass and fat-free mass derived from a single digital image are associated with filed assessments of muscular strength and muscular endurance. National Strength and Conditioning Association 2020 Annual Conference, Las Vegas, NV. (conference proceeding).

*Fleming AR, Nickerson BS, *Winchester LJ, Esco MR, Fedewa MV. Fat and fat free mass via novel 2D imaging system provides superior agreement to hydrodensitometry compared to the skinfold method. National Strength and Conditioning Association 2020 Annual Conference, Las Vegas, NV. (conference proceeding).

Nickerson BS, Esco MR, Fedewa MV, Park K-S. Development of a BMI-based body fat equation: effect ofhandgrip strength. National Strength and Conditioning Association 2020 Annual Conference, Las Vegas, NV. (conference proceeding).

Park, K-S, Yoon, J, Nickerson BS. Effects of 8-week aerobic exercise on markers of inflammation and oxidative stress in obese females. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, San Francisco, CA, 2020.

Medrano, NF, Park, K-S, Nickerson, BS. Validation of various load-velocity relationships for estimation of bench press 1-repetition maximum. TACSM, International Journal of Exercise Science, Waco, Texas, 2020.

Guerrero, CM, Park, K-S, Nickerson BS. Evaluation of repetitions-to-failure equations in the presence of male and female spotters. TACSM, International Journal of Exercise Science, Waco, Texas, 2020.

Narvaez, SV, McLester, CN, McLester, JR, Park, K-S, Nickerson BS. Evaluation of fat-free mass characteristics at different adiposity levels: Impact of weight status stratification method. TACSM, International Journal of Exercise Science, Waco, Texas, 2020.

Perez, GL, Park, K-S, Nickerson, BS. Development of a DXA-derived body volume equation in Hispanic adults for administering in a 4-compartment model. TACSM, International Journal of Exercise Science, Waco, Texas, 2020.

Duque M, Snarr, RL, Ryan, GA, Park, K-S, Nickerson BS. Bias varies for bioimpedance analysis and skinfold technique when stratifying collegiate male athletes fat-free mass hydration levels. TACSM, International Journal of Exercise Science, Waco, Texas, 2020.

Encyclopedia/Reference Articles


Book Reviews





Salazar-Collier, C.L.(PI). TAMIU University Research Development Grant. “Exploration of the Church’s Role in Promoting Obesity-Prevention Health Behaviors among Hispanic Populations of South Texas.” Valuation: $24,683.29. Submitted October, 2020 (funded).

Nickerson, B. (PI), Ganta, D, Salazar-Collier, C.L., Steele, C., & Cho, S.K. Department of Defense. “Enhancing Minority Student Training in Biomedical Research and Human Performance Testing”. Valuation: 166,803.65. Submitted August, 2020 (under review).

Salazar-Collier, C.L. (PI), Ridda, I & Mena, J. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Health Data for Action. “The Relationship Between Pertussis (Tdap) Vaccine Uptake and Socioeconomic Status”. Valuation: $100,000. LOI submitted December, 2020 (under review).

Melendez, S. (PI), Heard, L. (Co-PI), Torregosa, M.T. (Co-PI) Nursing & Allied Health-Supporting clinical Learning to Mitigate Impediments due to COVID-19. Valuation: $90,000.00. Submitted October 2020 (funded).

Nickerson, B., Park, K.S (Co-PI) Critical analysis of a rapid 4-compartment model in Hispanic adults: effect of age and level of body fatness National Institute of General Medical Sciences (SCORE 1), 2020 Role: Principal Investigator Funding Requested: $916,500 (total costs) Impact Score: 39 (pending).

Nickerson, B., (PI), Park, K.S. (Co-PI) Integration of Imaging- and Impedance-based Techniques as a Rapid 4-compartment Model for Body Composition Assessments in Hispanic Adults: Implications for Clinical Practice National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (Rl5), 2020 Role: Principal Investigator Funding Requested: $428,141. (pending).

Nickerson, B., Body composition measurement using a novel 2D image processing system versus standard techniques in a diverse U.S. adult population National Institute of Health (Parent ROI Clinical Trial Not Allowed), 2020 Role: Principal Investigator Funding Requested: $3,213,761 (total costs). (pending)

Nickerson, B., (PI), Cho, S. (Co-PI) Enhancing minority student training in biomedical research and human performance testing Department of Defense (Research Education Program for Historically Black Colleges and Universities and Minority-Serving Institutions Equipment/Instrumentation), 2020 Role:
Funding Requested: 166,803 (total costs). (pending)

Sanchez, M.D., Open Educational Resource-Texas A&M Consortium for Nursing Education and Practice (OER-TeCNEP), submitted in response to the U.S. Department of Education’s Open Textbooks Pilot (OTP) Program. Grant proposal was submitted.

Torregosa, M. (PI), Angie Michelangelie (Co-PI) “Texas A&M International University Community Mental Health Program” September 2020 from the Department of Health and Human Services for $1.16 million (funded).

Torregosa, M. (PI), Miguel Saucedo (Co-PI) “TAMIU-Online FNP Program” funded by the U.S. Department of Education, Grant Award # P031M190016 for $2.3 million from October 1, 2019 through September 30, 2024 (funded).

Torregosa, M. (PI) “TAMIU-SANE Project” funded by Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), Federal, $1.171 million from Sept 30, 2018 through Sept 29, 2021 (funded).




Kwon, W., & Cho, S. (2020) Associations among perfectionism, anxiety, and psychological wellbeing/ill-being in college athletes of South Korea. International Journal of Applied Sport Sciences, 32, 54-62.

Castillo, E., Lebeau, J., *Cho, S., Sanez, C., & Chow, G. M. (2020, In press). Understanding sport expertise through a cultural perspective: An exploratory study. International Journal of Sport Psychology.

Monfared, S., Lebeau, J., Mason, J., Cho, S., Basevitch, I., Perry, I., Baur, D. A., & Tenenbaum, G.(2020). A Bio-physio-psychological investigation of Athlete’s Burnout. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, DOI: 10.1080/02701367.2020.1715911

Salazar-Collier CL, Reininger BM, Kelder SH & Wilkinson AV. (In revision) Fatalistic and Religiosity Beliefs among Mexican-American Adults with Type 2 Diabetes attending a Chronic Care Management Program. Journal of Public Health Student Capstones.

Nickerson BS, Tinsley GM, Fedewa MV, Esco MR. Fat-free mass characteristics of Hispanic adults: comparisons with non-Hispanic Caucasians and cadaver reference values. Clinical Nutrition 39: 3080-3085, 2020.

McLester CN, Nickerson BS, Kliszczewicz BM, McLester J. Reliability and agreement of various inbody body composition analyzers as compared to dual energy x-ray absorptiometry in healthy men and women. Journal of Clinical Densitomet1y 23(4): 443-450, 2020.

Nickerson BS, Williams TD, Snarr RL, *Garza JM, Salinas G. Evaluation ofload-velocity relationships and repetitions-to-failure equations in the presence of male and female spotters. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 34(9): 2427-2433, 2020.

Tinsley GM, Smith-Ryan AE, Youngdeok K, Blue MNM, Nickerson BS, Stratton MT, Harty PS. Fat-free mass characteristics vary based on sex, race, and weight status in U.S. Adults. Nutrition Research 81: 58-70, 2020.

Nickerson BS, *Medrano NF, *Perez GL, *Narvaez SV, *Carrillo J, *Duque M. Inter-device reliability of wearable technology for quantifying jump height in collegiate athletes. Biology of Sport 37(4): 383-387, 2020.

Nickerson BS, Fedewa MV, McLester CN, McLester JR, Esco MR. Development of a DXA-derived body volume equation in Hispanic adults for administering a 4-comparhnent model. British Journal of Nutrition 123: 1373-1381, 2020.

Fedewa MV, Nickerson BS, Esco MR. The validity ofrelative fat mass and body adiposity index as measures of body composition in healthy adults. Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science 24(2): 137-146, 2020.

Nickerson BS, Fedewa MV, Cicone Z, Esco MR. The relative accuracy of skinfolds compared to four-compartment estimates of body composition. Clinical Nutrition 39: 1112- 1116, 2020.

Schoenfeld BJ, Nickerson BS, Krieger J, Wilborn CD, Urbina SL, Hayward SB, Krieger J, Aragon AA, Tinsley GM. Comparison of multifrequency bioelectrical impedance vs. dual energy X-ray absorptiometry for assessing body composition changes after participation in a I0-week resistance training program. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 34(3): 678-688, 2020.

Nickerson BS, McLester CN, McLester JR, Kliszczewicz BK. Relative accuracy of anthropometric-based body fat equations in males and females. Clinical Nutrition ESPEN 35: 136-140, 2020.

Nickerson BS, McLester CN, McLester JR, Kliszczewicz BK. Agreement between 2 segmental bioimpedance devices, BOD POD, and DXA in obese adults. Journal a/Clinical Densitometry 23(1): 138-148, 2020.

Nickerson BS, Esco MR, Fedewa MV, Park K.-S. Development of a BMI-based Body Fat Equ Effect of Handgrip Strength. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 52(11):2459-2465, 2020.

Torregosa, M. B., Ynalvez, M., Benavides, M., Chaudhuri, N., & Craddock, C. (2020). Perceived Stress among Hispanic Young Adults: Impact of the Coping with Work and Family Stress Program. Journal of American College Health (accepted)