
Frequently Asked Questions

Please see answers to the most frequently asked questions per service below.

Advising FAQ's

Academic advising for all incoming freshmen, transfer, and returning students is done through ACE Academic Advisors. Sophomore, junior, and senior students are advised by advisors from the College/School of your major. To find your designated advisor log-in to DegreeWorks and look under the “Advisor” field. If you cannot find your advisor’s info, please contact the ACE - Advising & Retention at 956.326.2886 or email advising@tamiu.edu for more information.

DegreeWorks is an accessible and user-friendly tool, which provides you and your advisor an organized look of your degree plan evaluation. DegreeWorks helps you as you progress through your degree plan efficiently, comparing your academic history with degree requirements outlined in the University catalog.

A DegreeWorks audit is a degree evaluation sectioned into different block requirements: core curriculum, major, minor, concentration, and other requirements for your degree plan. Each block within the audit works like a checklist that has boxes that are automatically checked when a requirement is met.

A degree audit can be reviewed at any time; however, it is recommended that you review your audit:

  1. Before registering for an upcoming semester.
  2. After you register to ensure that the courses apply to your program requirements.
  3. After grades are posted for each semester.

After changes are made to your schedule or major.

There are several reasons why the information in DegreeWorks is not up-to-date. One is that DegreeWorks may not have been refreshed since a change was made to a student record. Another is that there could be paperwork that must be completed at the Registrar's Office.

Please check with the Registrar's Office located at Senator Judith Zaffirini Student Success Center 121, contact by phone at 956.326.2250, or via email to registrar@tamiu.edu to update your information.

You can use the "What-If" option on the Audits tab to do an audit using the criteria you select.
Please be sure to select a Degree, Catalog term, and Major along with any corresponding Minors or Concentrations. What-If audits do not guarantee that you will be able to major in the area you select. If you decide you'd like to change your major, contact your academic advisor to help connect you with the appropriate advisor for the new major.

Holds can be placed on your record from various offices across campus. If you have holds, you must contact the office that placed the hold, to find out how to remove it.

It's important to remove the hold, since it can potentially prevent you from registering, having financial aid released or obtaining your transcript, among other things. Check out the Student Registration Hub for a list of holds and how to clear them.

You can meet with your advisor anytime to have your questions answered. Avoid waiting until the registration period.

If you cannot find your advisor's info, contact ACE - Advising & Retention at 956.326.2886 or email advising@tamiu.edu

Yes, all students are required to meet with their advisor each semester to make sure they are taking the correct classes. This process will eventually save you time and money.

There are several reasons why a course may be under this category. Make an appointment with your advisor to verify your courses and to make sure you’re registered for courses that count toward your degree.

Yes. Before you decide to change your schedule, it is always best to consult with your advisor first to find out if there’s another section you can take or if the class is offered only during a certain semester. An advisor can help you determine the best decision for you.

If your GPA falls below 2.0, you’ll be placed on academic probation. The first thing to do is to contact your advisor to figure out how to improve your grades and get back to “Good Standing.”

Good standing means your GPA is above 2.0. If you continue to show improvement, your probation status may be removed.

Registration is open at midnight on a specific date. Check TAMIU Registration dates to find out the first day you can register for classes. Each class has a maximum capacity for the number of students it can enroll. Hence, the earlier you register, the greater likelihood that you’ll get the class time and/or professor you want.

Tutoring FAQ's

Yes, all tutoring services are Free for currently enrolled students!

To ensure a timely tutoring session, we recommend scheduling an appointment. Reserve your appointment through our TracCloud system, by emailing academic.support@tamiu.edu or calling 956.326.4223!

Yes, ACE - Academic Support offers tutoring to help students identify and correct mistakes in writing assignments by offering relevant strategies and recommendations, but remember that you are expected to participate in the revising process. We do not edit or proofread your assignments. Our ultimate goal is to create independent writers.

Yes. Call 956.326.4223 to book an appointment.

If there is no tutor(s) for your specific class, let us know through the "Report unable to find appointment" button on TracCloud. You can also email ACE Academic Support to receive further assistance.

You can call 956.326.4223 for more specific information about your tutor. You can also visit the ACE Tutor Specialties webpage to find your tutor's schedule.

In order to foster independence, students may receive a maximum of two tutoring sessions each day. All students must work independently for at least one hour before the second session occurs. Note: This rule also applies to online and virtual assistance.

If needed, it’s best to cancel your tutoring appointment online as soon as possible so other students can reserve the time. Make sure to book your next available time to avoid missing out on your learning.

You can schedule any tutoring session up to two weeks in advance.

Attending SI sessions is highly encouraged so you can review your class material with someone who has already done well in the class (Supplemental Instruction Leader).

Feel free to call or email ACE Academic Support to schedule an appointment with a tutor anyway so you do not fall behind.

ACE - Advising & Retention
Senator Judith Zaffirini Student Success Center 101

Monday - Friday: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

ACE - Academic Support
Sue and Radcliffe Killam Library 1st Floor

Monday - Thursday: 9 a.m. - 9 p.m.
Friday: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Saturday: 12 - 4 p.m.
Sunday: 12 - 8 p.m.