
E.P.I.C. Journey

E.P.I.C. Journey is a program focused on learning outcomes and assessment practices to address behavioral concerns through the use of an individual needs-based process. Through the program students will develop new ways to engage in University life and accept ownership over their University experience.

As a result of participating in an E.P.I.C. Journey, students will take an active role in their development process, integrate their knowledge of self and community standards into healthy decision making patterns, and reduce the discrepancies between their choices and their desire to succeed.

Objectives and Outcomes

Purpose: Used when student engagement seems to be low. Engagement is described not as involvement, but as a healthy membership, alliance and sense of ownership in the collegiate experience.

Outcome: Student will develop an integral relationship between students and the Institution to increase the likelihood of student success and retention.

Personal Development

Purpose: Used when students exhibit a lower competence in the areas of social, emotional, mental and/or intellectual development.

Outcome: Student will better learn to develop competencies in underdeveloped areas to form stronger choices and develop stronger skills.

Interpersonal Development

Purpose: Used when interpersonal skills such as communication, relationship management, respect and awareness of others are low (only as it relates to other individuals).

Outcome: Student will establish skills necessary to create boundaries and recognize and exhibit acceptable interpersonal behavior.

Community Membership

Purpose: Used when students seem to be unaware of their membership within a larger community or fail to recognize their role in their community.

Outcome: Student will establish an understanding of such membership and its meaning, as well as inspire recognition of their individual actions upon the greater community.

Related Institutional Goals/Principles

Related Institutional Goals/Principles Table
Imperative 1: Students 1.2 - Increase enrollment, retention, and graduation rates
1.3 - Prepare students for successful leadership roles.
1.4 - Engage students in activities tdat enrich tdeir lives.
1.5 - Provide programs and services tdat support established student outcomes.
Imperative 3: Teaching 3.2 - Promote excellence in learning by creating a student-focused learning environment
Imperative 5: Service 5.1 - Expand collaborative services, volunteerism, and outreach activities.
5.2 - Serve as a focal point for cultural, educational, and research activities.
Principle 1 Respective and expressive communication skills
Principle 2 Critical tdinking
Principle 3 Integration and application of knowledge
Principle 4 Understanding society and culture
Principle 5 Values and etdics

Office of Student Conduct and Community Engagement
Student Center (STC) 226
5201 University Boulevard Laredo, Texas 78041
Email: scce@tamiu.edu
Phone: 956.326.2265

Spring Office Hours:

Monday & Tuesday – 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Wednesday & Thursday – 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Friday – 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Saturday & Sunday – Closed