Luis, Lorena, Ayesha

Developing Future Leaders
The Student Conduct Process

The Office of Student Conduct and Community Engagement (SCCE) is the responsible entity to adjudicate cases alleging violations of the Student Code of Conduct by students of Texas A&M International University (TAMIU).

Student Rights and Responsibilities

Texas A&M International University is an academic community and it is the policy that all faculty, administrators, staff, and students conduct themselves in a manner that does not compromise the values, integrity, reputation, and public trust of this University.

  1. A student shall have the right to participate in a free exchange of ideas, and there shall be no university rule or administrative rule that in any way abridges the rights of freedom of speech, expression, petition and peaceful assembly as set forth in the U.S. Constitution.
  2. Each student shall have the right to participate in all areas and activities of the university, free from any form of discrimination, including harassment, in accordance with applicable federal and state laws.
  3. A student has the right to personal privacy except as otherwise provided by law, and this will be observed by students and university authorities alike.
  4. Each student shall be free from disciplinary action by university officials for violations of civil and criminal law off campus, except when such a violation is determined also to be a violation of the provision regarding off-campus conduct in the Student Code of Conduct.

Each student subject to disciplinary action arising from violations of university student rules shall be assured a fundamentally fair process. At all student conduct hearings, an accused student shall be assumed not responsible until proven responsible, and, in initial student conduct hearings, the burden of proof shall rest with those bringing the charges. In all proceedings, the student shall be guaranteed a fundamentally fair process.

  1. A student has the responsibility to respect the rights and property of others, including other students, the faculty and the administration.
  2. A student has the responsibility to be fully acquainted with the published University Student Rules and to comply with them and the laws of the land.
  3. A student has the responsibility to recognize that student actions reflect upon the individuals involved and upon the entire university community.
  4. A student has the responsibility to recognize the University's obligation to provide an environment for learning.

Disciplinary Record Retention (Sect. 06.218.10)

As adopted by the A&M System, disciplinary records are kept after graduation or last date of attendance plus 5 years.

Related Institutional Goals/Principles

Imperative 1: Students 1.2 Increase enrollment, retention, and graduation rates.
1.3 Prepare students for successful leadership roles.
1.4 Engage students in activities that enrich their lives.
1.5 Provide programs and services that support established student outcomes.
Undergraduate Learning Principle 1: Respective and Expressive Communication Skills
Undergraduate Learning Principle 3: Integration and Application of Knowledge

Office of Student Conduct and Community Engagement
Student Center (STC) 226
5201 University Boulevard Laredo, Texas 78041
Email: scce@tamiu.edu
Phone: 956.326.2265

Spring Office Hours:

Monday & Tuesday – 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Wednesday & Thursday – 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Friday – 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Saturday & Sunday – Closed