Ranked #1
Best Value C&I Master's
Degree Schools in Texas
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Ranked #2
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Educational Administration
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Ranked #1
Top 5 Best Online MBA
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The Graduate School acts as the intellectual and academic heart of the University as we strive to train and educate the next generation of researchers, scholars, teachers, business professionals, and nurses.
Faculty members will offer you courses leading to one of 25 graduate degrees in humanities, business, education, health, physical, biological, and social sciences, and doctoral degrees in International Business and Criminal Justice.
TAMIU also offers a collaborative doctoral program in Hispanic Studies.
Graduate online degree programs are non-thesis unless otherwise noted.
TAMIU Advancing Research and Curriculum Initiative (TAMIU ARC) Project was established to expand the number of underrepresented graduate and professional students that can be served by expanding courses and institutional resources. This project will rigorously examine the metrics that lead to success for graduate students within a dominantly Hispanic population.