
Tobin, K.J., Hinojosa, A., Teran, E., $963,000, Sept 2024 to Aug 2026, LC-TAMIU STEM Connector. NASA (Congressionally Directed Funding),

Enab, K, Tobin, K., Al Lail, M., Ganta D., $399,853, Aug 2024 to July 2026, AP: Physics-Based AI Institute for Engineering at Texas A&M International University, NSF AI Building Capacity - CAP-PBAI Project.

Garza, E., Terrazas-Carrillo, E., Torregosa, M., Blasco-Rubio, A., Tobin, K.J, Hong, B, Hubona, G, $2,999,053, Oct 2023 to Sept 2028, TAMIU Student Emotional and Academic Success (SEAS). Department of Education Developing Hispanic-Serving Institutions Program.

Tobin, K.J., and Ganta, D., $121,670, Sept 2022 to July 2024, Characterization of Root Zone Soil Moisture and Herpetofaunal Biodiversity in the Southern Great Plains. Department of Energy Research Development and Partnership Pilot (RDPP).

Tobin, K.J., $9,120, Jan to Aug 2020, HSAP/URAP Supplement to TAMIU STEM High-End Computational Resource. US Army Educational Outreach Program (AEOP).

Coronado, J., and Tobin, K.J. (Co-Project Director), $2,923,228, Oct 2019 to Sept 2024, TAMIU Advancing Research and Curriculum Initiative (TAMIU ARC). Department of Education Developing Hispanic-Serving Institutions Program.

Tobin, K.J., Jorgensen, K., Bennett, M., Al Dushaishi, M., Ganta, D., Lin, R., Kilburn, J., Abebe-Akele F., Mendez M. $307,795, Aug 2019 to 2020, TAMIU STEM High-End Computational Resource. Department of Defense Research and Education Program for Historically Black Colleges and Universities and Minority-Serving Institutions Equipment/Instrumentation.

Tashtoush, T., Jorgensen, K.R., Tobin, K.J. Lin, R., Khasawneh, M., Hasan, M. $703,838, Oct 2017 to Sept 2020, Engineering and Science Improvement and Retention Enhancement (MSEIP-ESIRE), Department of Education.

Tobin, K.J. and Jorgensen, K.R., $74,104, July 2017 to June 2020, Acquisition of high performance computational cluster to support climate change research at Texas A&M International University. NSF-EAR Instrumentation and Facilities.

Tobin, K.J., et al., $470,581, May 2016 to April 2019, Climate Change Baseline Assessment Using Merged, Root-Zone Soil Moisture Product (Soil MERGE, SMERGE). NASA Climate Indicators and Data Products for Future Climate Assessment Program. This is a multiple institutional; international collaboration.

Bennett, M.E., $8000, Sept. 2017 to Aug. 2018, Determining Optimal Timescale For SMERGE, TAMIU URG.

Tobin, K.J, $24,500 (Subcontract), Sept. 2014 to Dec. 2016, CE3SAR Curriculum Development and Outreach Activities, NSF Research Coordination Network.

Tobin, K.J., $10,579, July 2013 to July 2014, Installing LDM, RAMADDA, THREEDS, and IDV at TAMIU. Unidata Program Center (UCAR / National Science Foundation.

Tobin, K.J., and Bennett, M.E., $29,894, June 2011 to Aug. 2014, 3-D Visualizations of TRMM Derived Hydrology Data for the South Texas Region. Outreach Supplement to Ongoing Research Grant. NASA.

Tobin, K.J., Aug. 2010 to Aug. 2014, $120,502. Adjusting TRMM Data to Facilitate Hydrologic Modeling in Moderate to Large-Sized Watersheds. NASA Precipitation Science Program. Member of Precipitation Measurement Mission (PMM) Science Team.

Tobin, K.J., and Bennett, M.E., Oct. 2009 to Sept. 2010, $222,763, Geospatial Hub for Supporting Response to Natural Disasters in South Texas. Texas Military Forces.

Tobin, K.J., and Bennett, M.E., June 2008 to Sept. 2009, $226,857, Trans-boundary Risk Identification and Mitigation Project. Texas Military Forces.

Tobin, K.J., Feb. 2007 to Aug. 2010, $106,258, Methodologies for Applying TRMM-Estimated Precipitation Data to Hydrological Modeling of South TX Watersheds. NASA Precipitation Science Program. Member of Precipitation Measurement Mission (PMM) Science Team.

Tobin, K.J., and Bennett, M.E., June 2006 to June 2008, $10,500 (Subcontract), Phase II, Cover the Border Hazard Mitigation Planning Initiative. FEMA Hazard Mitigation Planning Grant.

Tobin, K.J., and Bennett, M.E., Jan. 2006 to Jan. 2009, $391,481, Cover the Border Hazard Mitigation Planning Initiative. FEMA Hazard Mitigation Planning Grant.

Richardson, M.J., Price-Blount, K., Cifuentes, L., Norwine, J.R., and Tobin, K.J., June 2005 to May 2007, $66,099, Opportunities for Enhancing Diversity in the Geosciences Program, Track 1: Proof-of-Concept. National Science Foundation.

Tobin, K.J., and Bennett, M.E., Nov. 2004 to Oct. 2005, $195,651, South Texas Geosciences Project. Department of Defense Instrumentation and Research Support for Hispanic Serving Institutions (HIS).

Tobin, K.J., and Bennett, M.E., Oct. 2002 to March 2007, $268,350, South Texas Borderlands Center for Hydrometeorology. Educational Partnership Program with Minority Serving Institutions. National Atmospheric and Oceanographic Administration.