TAMIU Weather Update 2025-01-17 15:26:00
Due to the threat of severe winter weather, TAMIU will be closed on Tuesday, Jan. 21.
  • Offices closed Monday, Jan. 20 (MLK Day)
  • Offices closed & classes cancelled Tuesday, Jan. 21
  • Regular office hours resume Wednesday, Jan. 22 at 8 a.m.
Stay safe and warm! Follow updates on SafeZone, and official TAMIU email, social media, and website updates. In case of emergency, contact TAMIU Campus Police at (956) 326-2100. Late Registration continues through Jan. 27: go.tamiu.edu/registration

Faculty Development Leave Program

Guidelines and Procedures


Faculty Development Leave (FDL) is an investment by the University in the Faculty, with the expectation that the leave will enhance the faculty member’s capability to contribute to the department, program, College or University’s mission and strategic plan. The FDL provides a faculty member with opportunities for continued professional growth, reinvigorated intellectual achievement, development of new skills, expertise, and perspectives that will not only benefit the individual but also the department and college. The activities conducted during a FDL should benefit the faculty member professionally and improve the functioning of the department or college and as a result, the University.


Faculty Development Leave (FDL) may be granted to tenured assistant, associate, or full professors or faculty of equivalent rank employed by the university on a full-time basis for at least six consecutive academic years.
Not eligible for Faculty Development Leave are persons:

  1. Who are on tenure-track.
  2. Known to be in the terminal year of their employment at TAMIU.
  3. Who have received Faculty Development Leave within the last six years.

Application Procedures

  1. The individual faculty member takes the initiative and completes the application to the program according to the guidelines listed below.
    1. The faculty member presents the application to the department chair, and the college dean respectively for evaluation and approval. OR
  2. The Department Chair or Deans may take the initiative and identify a faculty member who:
    1. could achieve substantial professional gains from a development leave; or
    2. through a focused FDL help the department/program move in new strategically important directions by bringing new skills and expertise to the table. This type of application results from a conversation between the faculty member, the chair, and the Dean.

Regardless of the manner in which the application for FDL originates, the work by the faculty member during the FDL needs to have clear benefits for the individual, the department or program, the college, and the university.

Application Form (PDF)

Successful proposals should show clearly how the proposed leave will have a positive impact on the faculty member’s personal growth and renewal and on the department, program, college, and university. The discussion of the impact should relate to the mission of the unit and/or it’s strategic plan. Faculty members are encouraged to work with their chair and/or Dean to develop their proposal. The proposal should clearly link their personal growth to the growth of the department, college, and university. The expected outcomes should be clearly enumerated and a logical and relevant assessment plan should be included that measures the immediate and longer term (one year) impact of the FDL.

The number of leaves to be granted will depend on resources available and the quality of the proposals.

  1. Proposals should be submitted using the TAMIU Faculty Development Leave Application Form, be no longer than three pages, and include a copy of the individual’s curriculum vitae.
    1. Proposals should have the support of the Department Chair and the Dean.
  2. The Dean writes recommendations for each proposal and forwards them to the Provost. The recommendations should indicate how the college will financially support the faculty development leave; whether or not the leave creates undue hardship for other faculty members or unduly limits course offerings; and explain how the unit plans to cover the faculty member’s responsibilities and duties.
  3. The Provost will forward the proposals to the Faculty Development Leave committee for review and evaluation. The committee will submit their recommendations to the Provost who will forward them to the President along with his/her recommendations.

An evidence-based self-assessment report on the impact of the leave is due to the department chair within three months of the conclusion of the FDL. The report is then forwarded to the Dean and the Provost. Since the leave is to contribute significantly to the mission or strategic plan of the department, college, and university, the faculty member may be asked to present the outcomes of the FDL publicly in an appropriate venue such as, a department or college faculty meeting or workshop/presentation to faculty.

The following criteria should be considered when developing and evaluating proposals.

  • The intellectual, artistic, scholarly, or other merit of the proposal;
  • The credentials of the applicant and record of service to the department or program, college, or university;
  • The prospective value of the leave to the individual and the department or college as judged by the Department Chair and Dean;
  • The prospective value of the leave to the university as judged by the Provost and President;
  • The probability of extramural funding for the proposal;
  • The availability of resources.

Faculty Development Leaves are not deferred compensation, nor should they to be anticipated simply on the basis of longevity at the university. Granting professional development leave is to strengthen TAMIU’s academic programs by affording faculty members an opportunity for growth, renewal, and development that benefits the individual, the department, the college, and ultimately the university.

Faculty Development Leaves may be for either one semester at full salary or a full academic year at 50 percent salary. Applicants should contact Human Resources in advance of their application to learn about health-insurance and benefits implications associated with the leave, especially half-time appointments. The time period of the leave is flexible.

A faculty member on Faculty Development Leave may accept a grant or stipend for study, research or travel from any institution of higher education or from a charitable, religious or educational corporation or foundation, from any business enterprise, or from any state, federal or local government. Other employment must have the prior approval of the Provost and President.

A summary report of the activities undertaken during the leave period must be submitted to the Department Chair within three months after completion of the leave. The report should describe the activities and results of the leave, with specific attention to how the leave enhanced the faculty member’s ability to contribute to the mission of the University.

Faculty Development Leave shall be awarded with the provision that the recipient will be expected to continue in service at the university for at least one academic year after completion of the leave. This service requirement shall be regarded as fulfilled if the recipient remains in the employ of the university for the twelve months immediately following the end of the leave period, without regard to other leaves or other lawful interruptions of service that may occur during that twelve-month period. Recipients who do not remain at the university for one calendar year following the termination of their leave are required to repay the university the full amount of cash and travel benefits received from the university under the terms of their leave. In the case of special circumstances, the President, upon the recommendation of the Provost may waive the one-year requirement.

Contact Us

Office of the Provost and VP for Academic Affairs

Phone icon956-326-2240

Envelope iconprovost@tamiu.edu

5201 University Boulevard, Laredo, TX 78041