
Special Projects

College of Arts and Sciences
Strategic Research Teams (SRTs) People Group Icon


Research: Border humanities with a focus on AI and how this technology can marginalize voices from America’s periphery.

Team Leader: Adam Kozacka


Research: Conduct a repeat photography survey of downtown to preserve the historical context of downtown Laredo. Using video documentary to tell the unique stories of how South Texas cultural intersects with the environment.

Team Leader: Dr. Andrew Hilburn

Environment SRT
Team - From left to right: Dr. Angela Moran, Dr. Maya Bhatt, Dr. Alison Hadley Hilburn, Dr. Andrew Hilburn (Team Leader)

Border Studies

Research: Conduct research on the health and safety dimensions of migrants who pass through Laredo.

Team Leader: Dr. John Kilburn

Border Studies SRT
Team - From left to right: Dr. John Kilburn (Team Leader), Dr. Giasuddin Ahmed

Space Workforce Development

Research: To promote space exploration and align existing STEM curriculum with space workforce development consistent with the mission of the new Texas Space Commission.

Team Leader: Dr. Tariq Tashtoush

Space Workforce Development SRT
Team - From left to right: Dr. Tariq Tashtoush (Team Leader), Mr. Peter Davis, Dr. Qingwen Ni, Dr.Saqib Hussain

S.T.E.M. Education

Research: To develop a summer bridge program to facilitate freshman matriculation into STEM programs at TAMIU.

Team Leader: Dr. Kameron Jorgensen

S.T.E.M Education SRT
Team: From left to right: Dr. Marvin Bennett, Dr. Ruvini Pathirana, Dr. Kameron Jorgensen (Team Leader), Dr. Hongwei Wang

College of Arts and Sciences
Flagship Flag Checkered Icon

TAMIU COAS - Flagships Icon

Spotlight This Month:

New BS in Civil Engineering and BS in Computer Science
Dr. Mahmoud Khasawneh

Dr. Mahmoud T. Khasawneh
Director of the School of Engineering
School of Engineering

Other Notable Flagships

  1. Development of a PhD in Psychology - Dr. Carlos Lozano

  2. Enhancing enrollment in the Ph.D. in Criminal Justice Program - Dr. Fei Luo

  3. Improving the First-Year Writing Program - Dr. Sharity Nelson

  4. Sociology Exploration Group. Rebranding BA and MA degrees to Applied Sociology - Dr. John Kilburn

College of Arts and Sciences
Instructional/Educational Teams (IETs) Chalkboard User Icon

TAMIU COAS - Instructional/Educational Team Icon

College of Arts and Sciences - IET 1

Improving instruction in College Algebra by fostering a growth mindset - Mr. Juan Arrellano (Team Leader)

College of Arts and Sciences - IET 2

Enhancing Social Science Research Methods course - Dr. Seungmug Lee (Team Leader)

College of Arts and Sciences
Working Groups Users Viewfinder Icon

TAMIU COAS - Working Groups Icon

College of Arts and Sciences
Working Group 1

College of Arts and Sciences
Working Group 2

Semiconductor Working Group - Dr. Elvira Teran (Team Leader)



College of Arts & Sciences
Academic Innovation Center (AIC) 373
Phone: 956.326.2462 | E-mail: claudia.delgado@tamiu.edu