
Xiaohu Zhou

Adjunct Professor

Dr. Xiaohu Zhou, a native of P. R. China, started his professional orchestral playing career at the age of twenty while attending the Jiansu Province School of the Arts (P. R. China). There he held the position of associate principle bassoonist of Jiansu Province Symphony Orchestra. Dr. Zhou was appointed principal bassoonist of the Miami Symphony Orchestra for the 2002 to 2006 season while pursuing his DMA degree at University of Miami. He also played with the Winston-Salem Symphony Orchestra, Florida Philharmonic, the New World Symphony, and many others. Dr. Zhou was invited to give recital for the International Double Reed society Convention for the year 2005 and 2006.

He started to teach at Texas A&M International University and serve as the principle bassoonist for the Laredo Philharmonic Orchestra since 2007. In summer 2012, Dr. Zhou was invited to give master classes, recitals by Nanjing School of the Arts (Nanjing, China) and National Taiwan School of the Arts (Taipei, Taiwan). He will also perform and gives master class at Tainan and Shanghai at summer 2015. Dr. Zhou serves in TAMIU since 2009, the classes he teaches include Applied double reeds instruments, Aural Training, computer music, Chinese, and music in dance. He is also the principle bassoonist in Laredo Philharmonic Orchestra.