Political Science Organizations
Pi Sigma Alpha
Pi Sigma Alpha, the National Political Science Honor Society, is the only honor society for college students of political science and government in the United States. It is open to graduate and upper-level undergraduate students in political science who have achieved the required level of academic excellence.

Political Science Association (PSA)
The purpose of this organization is to sponsor, promote, and participate in social and educational activities of interest to the organization and the local community. To promote an interest in the study of politics, research of political questions, and other intellectual activities thought to be advantageous to the advancement of humanity. To promote and foster knowledge and understanding of the Laredo regional border culture.

Mock Organization of American States (OAS) Team
A sub-group of the Political Science Association that represents TAMIU at the Mock OAS competition

For more information about the TAMIU Political Science Organizations and for current news, visit the TAMIU Pi Sigma Alpha Facebook Page.
Faculty Advisor: Dr. James Norris
Department of Social Sciences
Academic Innovation Center 313
Phone: 956.326.2475 | Email: brenda.martinez@tamiu.edu