
Welcome to the
Texas A&M International University

Card Services Office

To learn more on how to request your TAMIU OneCard and submit your photo online
Click on the TAMIU Onecard below

One Card

The Card Services Office provides the official Texas A&M International University photo identification card to students, faculty, administrators, staff and alumni. This Office also oversees the administration of the Card Services program and its underlying software solution. As an entity of Texas A&M International University, the Card Services Office must adhere to the policies and procedures set forth by the State of Texas, The Texas A&M University System, and the University.

The Card Services Office provides assistance to students with their Refund Selection process. TAMIU partners with BankMobile to deliver funds to students in the quickest, most reliable and safest method possible. If you have not setup your Refund Preference with BankMobile please do so via UConnect by clicking on the Make a Refund Choice icon.

Your choices are:

  • Deposit to an Existing Bank Account-Your money will arrive 1-2 business days into your designated bank account after BankMobile receives the funds from TAMIU.
  • Deposit to a BankMobile Vibe Checking Account-Your money will arrive the same business day BankMobile receives the funds from TAMIU. (Account is opened upon identification verification via BankMobile)

If you have already made a refund preference choice and you want to verify your bank account information, please login to your BankMobile profile at www.bankmobilevibe.com. You will login with the email and password you designated. Click on the Refund link and select Refund Preference from the dropdown menu. This will show your current bank account information and allow you to make any necessary updates.

If you have any questions in reference to your Refund Preference, please contact Card Services at onecard@tamiu.edu or via phone at 956.326.2875. Thank you.

Card Services
Location: ZSC 131
Phone: 956.326.2877