TAMIU’s Celebrates The Big Event with a Virtual 5K

Whether an experienced runner, novice jogger or weekend walker, Texas A&M International University (TAMIU) invited students, faculty, staff and the local community to participate in the annual The Big Event through a Virtual 5K, Saturday, April 17.
As the COVID-19 Pandemic continues to be a challenge for people in the community, TAMIU’s Student Government Association Leaders Organizing Volunteering Events (L.O.V.E.) Committee collected donations to support the University’s Student Emergency Fund.
Walkers and runners alike are required register and make a minimum five-dollar donation to participate.
To register, visit https://go.tamiu.edu/thebigevent2021. To make your online donation to the University’s Student Emergency Fund, go to http://alumni.tamiu.edu/bigevent2021.
The all-day event was organized by through the L.O.V.E. Committee, in partnership with the Office of Student Conduct and Community Engagement.
Prior to the event, 5K participants were asked to download the app, Runkeeper to record their distance and time. During the event, participants were able to carve their own path at their chosen location, either on campus, in their residential park or neighborhood, or any place of their choosing.
After completing the 5K, participants were asked to email a screenshot of their time and distance to txamiu.sga1@gmail.com. All student participants who complete the 5K and submit their screenshot will receive five service hours.
Medals were given to the first, second and third place winners for those earning top completion times.
Additionally, participants also had an opportunity to join an Instagram photo challenge. To enter, competitors took a photo based following a category requirement, posted it to their Instagram account, tag @txamiu.sga, used the hashtag #TBEVirtual5K and included the category name in the caption of the photo. Submissions will be reviewed by the L.O.V.E. Committee with the best photos in each category winning a prize.
All photos were taken following appropriate social distancing guidelines.
Photo categories included:
- Best Selfie: In order to win this category, participants must be creative and take the best selfie while following COVID-19 guidelines.
- Earliest Bird: The winner of this category will be the participant that shows the earliest time they tracked their 5K participation.
- Night Owl: The winner of this category will be the participant that shows the latest time they tracked their 5K participation.
- Furry BFF: Participants must take a picture with their pets while walking or running the 5K.
- Dustdevil Spirit: Participants must show their TAMIU spirit with a picture or selfie dressed in maroon or University apparel.
- Say Cheese at the Virtual Photo Booth: Participants must take a picture with SGA’s Virtual Photo Booth.
Each year, The Big Event brings together the combined efforts of TAMIU student volunteers working together to provide community service.
Previously, The Big Event has held volunteer projects at the Ruthe B. Cowl Rehabilitation Center, the Santo Niño neighborhood, the Laredo Housing Authority, the South Texas Food Bank, Volunteers Serving the Need, local City parks and more.
Initially, The Big Event began at Texas A&M University in College Station in 1982, and has since been embraced by dozens of universities, serving communities across the nation. Adopted in 2009 by the TAMIU community, The Big Event has quickly become one of the University’s largest service initiatives.
For additional information, contact the Office of Student Conduct and Community Engagement at 956.326.2265, email scce@tamiu.edu or visit offices in the Student Center, Suite 226.