TAMIU Faculty Member Serves as National Conference Director
Texas A&M International University (TAMIU) associate professor of Spanish and Translation Dr. Lola Norris is helping shape the academic field of translation.
Chosen for her extensive knowledge and in recognition of her work, Norris served as this year’s Translation Studies track director at the Kentucky Foreign Language Conference: The Languages, Literatures, and Cultures Conference (KFLC) that took place recently at the University of Kentucky (UK).
Founded in 1948, the KFLC serves as one of the oldest and most prestigious academic conferences in the U.S. The yearly Conference invites scholars from across the world to present their research in different tracks, that include literature, linguistics, and translation.
Norris began attending the Conference in 2011 and has consistently presented her research. Impressed by the high level of scholarship, she has also taken various graduate students to present their research at the Conference.
Prior to Norris taking over the Translation Studies track, all except one of the Conference tracks were managed by faculty from UK.
“I am very honored to have been asked to take on this national leadership position and be able to collaborate with UK and other institutions. More importantly, it recognizes TAMIU, and it is also a wonderful opportunity for me to stay abreast of new and exciting scholarship in the field of translation,” said Norris.
Originally from Switzerland, Norris was one of TAMIU’s first Master of Arts in Spanish graduates and was the first doctoral graduate from TAMIU in the collaborative Ph.D. program in Hispanic Studies with Texas A&M University in 2010.
She was the recipient of the TAMIU Distinguished Teacher of the Year Award, and selected among a nominated group of the University’s most exceptional classroom teachers from each College or School.
She has also been honored for her literary achievements at the 89th annual Texas State Organization Convention of Delta Kappa Gamma and received the Member in Print Award for her book, “General Alonso de León’s Expedition into Texas (1686-1690).”
Currently, the University offers a translation of English and Spanish minor, an English-Spanish translation certificate, and a Master of Arts in Language, Literature, and Translation.
Prospective students looking to obtain a certificate or minor in translation studies can boost their career options and marketability. Individuals who choose to pursue a master’s degree will become familiar with a broad knowledge of both Spanish and English literature while honing their cross-cultural communication and dual language expertise.
For more information, call the University’s Office of Public Relations, Marketing and Information Services at 956.326.2180, email prmis@tamiu.edu or click on tamiu.edu.
University office hours are 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. Monday-Friday.
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