TAMIU Weather Update 2025-01-17 15:26:00
Due to the threat of severe winter weather, TAMIU will be closed on Tuesday, Jan. 21.
  • Offices closed Monday, Jan. 20 (MLK Day)
  • Offices closed & classes cancelled Tuesday, Jan. 21
  • Regular office hours resume Wednesday, Jan. 22 at 8 a.m.
Stay safe and warm! Follow updates on SafeZone, and official TAMIU email, social media, and website updates. In case of emergency, contact TAMIU Campus Police at (956) 326-2100. Late Registration continues through Jan. 27: go.tamiu.edu/registration

Handbook - Appendix

Cooperating Teacher Forms

Admissions Rubrics

Initial Preparation
Domain Not Met Approaching Met
Knowledge Overall GPA and Core Subjects GPA and Transfer GPA and Certify Teacher score below COED cutoff scores Overall GPA or Core Subjects GPA or Transfer GPA or Certify Teacher score below COED cutoff scores Overall GPA and Core Subjects GPA and Transfer GPA and Certify Teacher score above COED cutoff scores
Experience Never worked as a substitute teacher or teacher aide and Experience working with children/youth and has been enrolled in an EPP before Never worked as a substitute teacher or teacher aide or no experience working with children/youth or has been enrolled in an EPP before Worked as a substitute teacher or teacher aide and experience working with children/youth and has not been enrolled in an EPP before
Skills No examples of Standardized test scores submitted Examples of Standardized test scores submitted below COED cutoff scores Examples of Standardized test scores submitted below COED cutoff scores
Aptitude No evidence of meeting district expectations for professional demeanor and Ethics, nor Goal Setting, nor goal setting, nor professional development, School Community Involvement Evidence in two of the aptitude categories: Professional Demeanor and Ethics, Goal Setting, nor goal setting, nor professional development, School Community Involvement Evidence in three of the aptitude categories: Professional Demeanor and Ethics, Goal Setting, nor goal setting, nor professional development, School Community Involvement
Cut Scores
Automatic (Meets all) 12
For Discussion (Meets most i.e. 3 of 4 ) 9-11
Reject (Meets half or less, i.e. 2 or less) 0-8
ACP Initial Preparation
Domain Not Met Approaching Met
Knowledge Overall GPA and Core Subjects GPA and Transfer GPA and PACT score below COED cutoff scores Overall GPA or Core Subjects GPA or Transfer GPA or PACT score below COED cutoff scores Overall GPA and Core Subjects GPA and Transfer GPA and PACT score above COED cutoff scores
Experience Never worked as a substitute teacher or teacher aide and Experience working with children/youth and has been enrolled in an EPP before Never worked as a substitute teacher or teacher aide or no experience working with children/youth or has been enrolled in an EPP before Worked as a substitute teacher or teacher aide and experience working with children/youth and has not been enrolled in an EPP before
Skills No examples of Standardized test scores submitted Examples of Standardized test scores submitted below COED cutoff scores Examples of Standardized test scores submitted below COED cutoff scores
Aptitude No evidence of meeting district expectations for professional demeanor and Ethics, nor Goal Setting, nor goal setting, nor professional development, School Community Involvement Evidence in two of the aptitude categories: Professional Demeanor and Ethics, Goal Setting, nor goal setting, nor professional development, School Community Involvement Evidence in three of the aptitude categories: Professional Demeanor and Ethics, Goal Setting, nor goal setting, nor professional development, School Community Involvement
Cut Scores
Automatic (Meets all) 12
For Discussion (Meets most i.e. 3 of 4 ) 9-11
Reject (Meets half or less, i.e. 2 or less) 0-8
Domain Not Met Approaching Met
Background Does not meet two or more admission criteria Meets all but one admission criteria Meets all admission criteria
Knowledge Overall GPA and Certify Teacher score below COED cutoff scores Overall GPA or Certify Teacher score below COED cutoff scores Overall GPA and Certify Teacher score above COED cutoff scores
Experience Never filled a role involving administrative duties, nor Values and Ethics Leadership, nor Human Resources Leadership Evidence in one of the experience categories: Administrative duties, Values and Ethics Leadership, Human Resources Leadership Evidence in two or more of the experience categories: Administrative duties, Values and Ethics Leadership, Human Resources Leadership
Skills Never filled a role involving Policy and Governance, nor Communications and Community Relations Evidence in one of the skill areas Policy and Governance, nor Communications and Community Relations Evidence in one of the skill areas Policy and Governance, nor Communications and Community Relations
Aptitude Never filled a role involving Organizational Leadership and Management, nor Curriculum Planning and Development Evidence in one of the aptitude areas Organizational Leadership and Management, nor Curriculum Planning and Development Evidence in both of the aptitude areas Organizational Leadership and Management, nor Curriculum Planning and Development
Cut Scores
Automatic (Meets all) 15
For Discussion (Meets most i.e. 3 of 4 ) 13-14
Reject (Meets half or less, i.e. 2 or less) 0-12
Domain Not Met Approaching Met
Background Does not meet two or more admission criteria Meets all but one admission criteria Meets all admission criteria
Knowledge Overall GPA and Certify Teacher score below COED cutoff scores Overall GPA or Certify Teacher score below COED cutoff scores Overall GPA and Certify Teacher score above COED cutoff scores
Experience No experience in Instructional Leadership , Human Capital Development , Developing School Culture Evidence in two of the experience categories: Instructional Leadership , Human Capital Development , Developing School Culture Evidence in two or more of the experience categories: Instructional Leadership , Human Capital Development , Developing School Culture
Skills Never filled a role involving Strategic Planning, Maximizing Learning Time nor Policy Implementation and Advocacy Evidence in one of the skill areas: Planning, Maximizing Learning Time, Policy Implementation and Advocacy Evidence in in two or more of the skill areas: Planning, Maximizing Learning Time, Policy Implementation and Advocacy
Aptitude Never filled a role involving: Implementing Feedback and Professional Development, Developing Productive Relationships nor adapting leadership style to the needs of colleagues Evidence in one of the aptitude areas: Implementing Feedback and Professional Development, Developing Productive Relationships, adapting leadership style to the needs of colleagues Evidence in two or more of the aptitude areas: Implementing Feedback and Professional Development, Developing Productive Relationships, adapting leadership style to the needs of colleagues
Cut Scores
Automatic (Meets all) 15
For Discussion (Meets most i.e. 3 of 4 ) 13-14
Reject (Meets half or less, i.e. 2 or less) 0-12
Reading Specialist
Domain Not Met Approaching Met
Background Does not meet two or more admission criteria Meets all but one admission criteria Meets all admission criteria
Knowledge Overall GPA and Certify Teacher score below COED cutoff scores Overall GPA or Certify Teacher score below COED cutoff scores Overall GPA and Certify Teacher score above COED cutoff scores
Experience No experience in developing oral language, alphabetic principle, nor phonological and phonemic awareness Evidence provided in two of the experience categories: developing oral language, alphabetic principle, nor phonological and phonemic awareness Evidence provided in two or more of the experience categories: developing oral language, alphabetic principle, nor phonological and phonemic awareness
Skills Never filled a role involving the development of word identification, and Fluency and Comprehension Evidence provided in two of the skill areas word identification, fluency and comprehension Evidence provided in all of the skill areas word identification, fluency and comprehension
Aptitude Never filled a role involving the development of vocabulary & written knowledge, and assessing strengths and needs of individual students, and leading reading curriculum/professional development Evidence in one of the aptitude areas: development of vocabulary & written knowledge, assessing strengths and needs of individual students, leading reading curriculum/professional development Evidence in all of the aptitude areas development of vocabulary & written knowledge, assessing strengths and needs of individual students, leading reading curriculum/professional development
Cut Scores
Automatic (Meets all) 15
For Discussion (Meets most i.e. 3 of 4 ) 13-14
Reject (Meets half or less, i.e. 2 or less) 0-12
Education Diagnostician
Domain Not Met Approaching Met
Background Does not meet two or more admission criteria Meets all but one admission criteria Meets all admission criteria
Knowledge Overall GPA and Certify Teacher score below COED cutoff scores Overall GPA or Certify Teacher score below COED cutoff scores Overall GPA and Certify Teacher score above COED cutoff scores
Experience No experience in developing Collaborative Relationships and Assessment, and program planning, and instructional decision making Evidence provided in two of the experience categories: developing Collaborative Relationships and Assessment, and program planning, and instructional decision making Evidence provided in three or more of the experience categories: developing Collaborative Relationships and Assessment, and program planning, and instructional decision making
Skills Never filled a role involving scheduling, time management, organization and implementing curricula and instructional strategies for individuals with disabilities Evidence provided in two of the skill areas: scheduling, time management, organization and implementing curricula and instructional strategies for individuals with disabilities Evidence provided in three or more of the skill areas: scheduling, time management, organization and implementing curricula and instructional strategies for individuals with disabilities
Aptitude Never filled a role involving the use of strategies that are responsive to the diverse backgrounds and particular disabilities of individuals and procedural safeguards for individuals with disabilities and developing quality educational opportunities appropriate for individuals with disabilities Evidence in two of the aptitude areas: appreciating the diverse backgrounds and particular disabilities of individuals and the need for procedural safeguards for individuals with disabilities and developing quality educational opportunities appropriate for individuals with disabilities Evidence in all of the aptitude areas appreciating the diverse backgrounds and particular disabilities of individuals and the need for procedural safeguards for individuals with disabilities and developing quality educational opportunities appropriate for individuals with disabilities
Cut Scores
Automatic (Meets all) 15
For Discussion (Meets most i.e. 3 of 4 ) 13-14
Reject (Meets half or less, i.e. 2 or less) 0-12
School Counseling
Domain Not Met Approaching Met
Background Does not meet two or more admission criteria Meets all but one admission criteria Meets all admission criteria
Knowledge Overall GPA and Certify Teacher score below COED cutoff scores Overall GPA or Certify Teacher score below COED cutoff scores Overall GPA and Certify Teacher score above COED cutoff scores
Experience No experience in using learner-centered skills and learner-centered processes Evidence provided in one of the experience categories learner-centered skills, learner-centered processes Evidence provided in both of the experience categories: learner-centered skills, learner-centered processes
Skills Never filled a role involving facilitating learning and achievement for all students and creating and maintaining a positive school environment Evidence provided in one of the skill areas: facilitating learning and achievement for all students and creating and maintaining a positive school environment Evidence provided in both of the skill areas: facilitating learning and achievement for all students and creating and maintaining a positive school environment
Aptitude Never filled a role requiring the understanding of how environment and behavior may impact or influence individual Learners and acknowledging learners' gifts, strengths, and extracurricular talents when considering programs Evidence in one of the aptitude areas: understanding how environment and behavior may impact or influence individual Learners, acknowledging learners' gifts, strengths, and extracurricular talents when considering programs Evidence in both of the aptitude areas : understanding how environment and behavior may impact or influence individual Learners, acknowledging learners' gifts, strengths, and extracurricular talents when considering programs
Cut Scores
Automatic (Meets all) 15
For Discussion (Meets most i.e. 3 of 4 ) 13-14
Reject (Meets half or less, i.e. 2 or less) 0-12