Our Focus
The PhD in Criminal Justice offers the traditional doctoral-level criminal justice curriculum, with an emphasis on border and/or homeland security studies.
Geographic Location
Our program capitalizes on TAMIU’s geographic location by closely studying various salient border issues such as human trafficking/smuggling and counter terrorism practices. This emphasis will encourage quality research and collaboration with local, state, and federal organizations involved in homeland security issues nowhere emphasized in other regional programs. Hence, TAMIU’s PhD in Criminal Justice is unique due to the emphasis on homeland security and novel geographical research opportunities.
Criminal Justice Practice
The program aims to produce graduates that have the theoretical knowledge, actual and practical experience, and marketable skills to assume high level leadership roles in various areas of criminal justice practice such as those found in academia, government, and the private sector. TAMIU’s PhD in Criminal Justice program capitalizes on its cadre of well-trained and research-productive core and support faculty. It also capitalizes on the diverse real world criminal justice cases, issues, and perspectives afforded by TAMIU being located in a city along the U.S.-Mexico border
Department of Social Sciences
Academic Innovation Center 313
Phone: 956.326.2475 | Email: brenda.martinez@tamiu.edu