
The Office Reviewer Role - IE

Each division has appointed at least one individual to serve as the Office Reviewer. Office Reviewers are responsible for:

  • Providing Program Coordinators with feedback on their unit's annual Assessment Plans and Assessment Reports.
  • Help units meet minimum reporting requirements.
  • Work with OIARP staff to schedule annual meetings/training for Program Coordinators related to the assessment process and documentation.
  • Determine whether to use OIARP's recommended due dates or establish different due dates for programs in their division

This page includes information and resources pertinent to those who hold the Office Reviewer role. 


Calendar Year 2024 - Chronological Due Dates

  • TBD - Submit 24-25 Assessment Plan feedback due (from Step 2 to Step 3)
  • October 18 - Submit 23-24 Assessment Report feedback due (Step 7 to Step 8)
Active Assessment Cycle Due Dates by Workflow Step
Workflow Step Assigned Role Step Purpose AY 23-24 Cycle AY 24-25 Cycle
1. Program Coordinator Plan Submit Program Coordinator Draft Plan Submission February 17, 2023 TBD
2. Office Reviewer Plan Checklist

Office Reviewer Internal Department Approval and Feedback on Plan March 3, 2023 TBD
3. Program Coordinator Plan Submit Program Coordinator Revise based on Internal Department Feedback/ Submit Plan March 10, 2023 TBD
4. Assessment Office Plan Rubric OIARP OIARP Approval and Feedback on Plan April 21, 2023 TBD
5. Program Coordinator Plan Submit Program Coordinator Assessment Plan Returns to Program Coordinator for Reviewing Feedback and any Necessary Revisions September 20, 2024 September 19, 2025
6. Program Coordinator Report Submit Program Coordinator Draft Report Submission October 04, 2024 October 03, 2025
7. Office Reviewer Report Checklist Office Reviewer Internal Department Approval and Feedback on Report October 18, 2024 October 17, 2025
8. Program Coordinator Report Submit Program Coordinator Revise based on Internal Department Feedback/ Submit Final Report October 25, 2024 October 24, 2025
9. Assessment Office Report Rubric OIARP OIARP Provides Feedback and Approval on Report November 29, 2024 November 28, 2025


Office of Institutional Assessment, Research and Planning
5201 University Boulevard, Sue and Radcliffe Killam Library 434, Laredo, TX 78041-1900
Phone: 956.326.2275