TAMIU Welcomes Visitors from Poland's Adam Mickiewicz University, Announces Faculty, Student Exchange
Texas A&M International University (TAMIU) recently received two visitors from Adam Mickiewicz University (AMU) of Poznań, Poland at its campus as part of an Erasmus+ Program Inter-Institutional Agreement that allows faculty and student interaction and exchange between the two universities.
Dr. Anna Cieślicka, TAMIU professor of Psychology, served as the official host at TAMIU for Prof. Radoslaw Dylewski, Vice-Dean for International Cooperation and Outreach and Dr. Tomasz Skirecki, Senior Lecturer, Dean's Representative for Promotion and Outreach, American Studies: Language and Culture Research Unit, AMU Faculty of English.
While at TAMIU, the visitors met with students to promote student exchange opportunities with AMU and introduce them to various degree programs AMU offers.
Dr. Cieślicka said TAMIU is excited to welcome the visitors.
"TAMIU is extremely happy to welcome the Polish scholars here on campus," Dr. Cieślicka said, "Their visit will allow TAMIU students to get familiarized with the opportunity to study at AMU."
She continued, "While here, the guests have been promoting student exchange opportunities during in-class presentations which were met with enthusiasm and keen interest from our students. Indeed, one cannot overestimate the numerous benefits of studying abroad, such as developing cognitive, interpersonal, and personal skills, experiencing new cultures and learning how to navigate them, communicating with diverse peers, gaining intercultural competence, enhancing one's academic experience, and potentially furthering one's future career opportunities."
TAMIU recently welcomed visitors from Poland's Adam Mickiewicz University (AMU) at its campus. Pictured from left to right are Dr. Tomasz Skirecki, Senior Lecturer, Dean's Representative for Promotion and Outreach, American Studies: Language and Culture Research Unit, AMU Faculty of English, Dr. Anna Cieślicka, TAMIU professor of Psychology, and Prof. Radoslaw Dylewski, Vice-Dean for International Cooperation and Outreach, AMU.
The Adam Mickiewicz University (AMU) Faculty of English is the largest center of English Studies in Poland. Poznań's history dates back to the 10th century and TAMIU students who decide to participate in the exchange program will get a first-hand experience of the European cultural history that Poznań has to offer, said Dr. Skirecki.
“We love your campus and we love your javelinas,” said Dr. Skirecki, commenting about wildlife at TAMIU's campus, “No student or faculty member back in Poland will believe you have javelina running around campus.”
The Erasmus+ Program Inter-institutional Agreement allows for two students per semester from both TAMIU and AMU to study for one or two semesters at the host university. It also allows for faculty mobility, with a 14-day stay at the host university for research and teaching. Currently, one student from AMU is studying at TAMIU as part of the Agreement.
Students who decide to participate in the exchange program in Poznań will be fully immersed in a culturally diverse environment, said Dr. Dylewski.
“We take care of our guests, and Poznań is a very open minded city,” said Dr. Dylewski, adding that an abundance of nature trails, delicious Polish food, an efficient transportation system and various cultural festivals characterize his city.
TAMIU is the only University in Texas to have the Erasmus+ Inter-institutional Agreement with Adam Mickiewicz University (AMU), Dr. Dylewski said.
TAMIU students of all majors may participate in the exchange program, Dr. Dylewski said. Students must maintain a GPA of 2.5 and apply for a scholarship grant to TAMIU’s International Engagement Office that will help cover part of the program costs, such as airfare, accommodation or tuition.
For more information, please contact Dr. Cieślicka at TAMIU at 956.326.2611, email anna.cieslicka@tamiu.edu or visit offices located in the TAMIU Academic Innovation Center, room 342.
This story by PRMIS intern Dana Cadena.