TAMIU College of Education Launches Video Podcast, ‘Conversations on Teacher Education’
Texas A&M International University’s (TAMIU) College of Education is taking to the internet “airwaves” to launch an innovative video podcast focused on teacher education. The video podcast series will launch Wednesday, Aug. 16.
TAMIU Dean of the College of Education, Dr. James O’Meara, said the initiative, dubbed “Conversations on Teacher Education,” is intended to provide an accessible platform to shine a light on education.
“As the region’s top producer of teacher candidates, we want to shine a light on educator needs, provide insight into the profession, and share guidance and best practices. Our video podcast guests will include members of the TAMIU College of Education faculty and local educators from both Laredo and United Independent School Districts. We’re collaborating with superintendents Dr. Sylvia Rios of Laredo ISD and David González of United ISD to help share this initiative,” Dr. O’Meara said.
He said the initiative is funded by Branch Alliance for Educator Diversity as part of the “Branch Alliance for Educator Diversity’s (BranchED) National Teacher Preparation Transformation Center” and is an extension of the College of Education’s continuing role in The Texas A&M University System’s ongoing “We Teach Texas” outreach program.
“Our goal is shared understanding among teachers and we believe that the video podcast platform provides us with an accessible and relevant mechanism to reach our educators, providing them with insight and resources they can share 24/7. The series is accompanied by other digital resources including guides and handbooks,” he explained.
Topics and airdates for the Conversation on Teacher Education Video Podcast series are as follows.
Episode One: Equipping Students and Teachers for Success -- August 16, 2023, https://youtu.be/ZJN3bh4fflQ
Episode Two: Empowering Teachers & Enriching Communities -- Transforming Education Through Collaboration, September 13, 2023.
Episode Three: Building Data, Forming Teachers -- October 4, 2023.
Episode Four: Preparing Teachers for the Real World -- November 8, 2023.
The “Conversation on Teacher Education” Video Podcast Series is hosted by Garrett Hottle and was produced by the College Station-based creative team of Podcast Architects.
Registration for TAMIU’s Fall 2023 is now underway. Classes begin Monday, Aug. 28. View the registration schedule here: https://www.tamiu.edu/registrar/registration.shtml. Learn about College of Education degrees at: https://catalog.tamiu.edu/catalog/2017-2018/undergraduate-information/education/
For more on TAMIU’s Registration processes, visit the dedicated Registration Hub at https://go.tamiu.edu/registration.
As a result of actions taken by the Texas Legislature to address affordability in higher education, all resident undergraduate academic costs, including tuition, mandatory academic fees, all academic-related general fees, and college course fees, have been frozen for the 2023-24 and 2024-25 academic years at TAMIU. This is the third consecutive year that the University has not increased these fees.
University news and information can also be found online at tamiu.edu and on TAMIU’s social channels on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, and YouTube.