TAMIU Classes of ’20 – ’21 Surveyed on Commencement Exercises
Texas A&M International University (TAMIU) 2020 graduates and 2021 candidates for graduation had until Friday, April 23 to complete an online survey to schedule their in-person Commencement Ceremonies at the Sames Auto Arena Friday, May 14 and Saturday, May 15, 2021.
The online survey was available to TAMIU graduates and candidates for graduation in order to determine final details for the planned ceremonies. Response wasneeded in order to receive guest tickets. The survey is now closed.
TAMIU president Dr. Pablo Arenaz said the University has worked closely with City of Laredo officials and Sames Auto Arena management to develop an approved plan that follows established distancing and gathering standards and underscores a shared priority commitment to safety and wellness.
“We are deeply appreciative of the City and Sames Auto Arena’s partnership, and the helpful assistance and guidance both have provided to help us deliver these ceremonies safely. We know that both also realize that Commencement Ceremonies are the cornerstone of the University completion experience. While our ceremonies must be necessarily reduced in scope, they will still enable our graduates and candidates for graduation to mark this milestone with their family in an intimate and deeply meaningful way,” Arenaz said.
The University plans multiple ceremonies in order to meet capacity guidelines. Graduates and candidates for graduation will be limited to 320 individuals participating, with face coverings in place. A seated audience, masked and socially distanced, will be limited to a 1,280 person capacity. So that these limitations can be better observed and families able to share the experience, TAMIU graduates and candidates for graduation are limited to four guests seated in distanced pods.
Additional information is available from the dedicated Commencement website at: https://www.tamiu.edu/commencement/, or through the Office of the Registrar, registrar@tamiu.edu or 956.326.2250.
The University has announced its Fall 2021 plans are focused on a return to a vibrant, on-campus experience for students, faculty and staff for the 300-acre northeast Laredo campus.
Registration for Maymester, Summer sessions and Fall at TAMIU is currently underway.