TAMIU to Observe Death of George Floyd on Monday
The Texas A&M University System’s 11 universities and eight agencies can observe the tragic death of George Floyd with campus and agency closures at 12 noon Monday, June 8 as memorial services take place in Houston.
Texas A&M International University (TAMIU) president Dr. Pablo Arenaz said TAMIU will share in this observance.
In a message to the campus community Friday afternoon, Dr. Arenaz said:
“The Texas A&M University System is a family -- and as a member of that family, Texas A&M International University will pause to acknowledge Mr. Floyd’s tragic death by closing at noon on Monday, June 8. Summer Session online classes scheduled for Monday at or after 12 noon will be suspended.
We are all at critical crossroads in our nation’s shared history. We proudly share the Chancellor’s strong commitment that we are all God’s children and deserving of the same respect and protections that should be afforded every American.
Let us all remember Mr. George Floyd, who attended the Texas A&M University-Kingsville campus, with The Texas A&M University System family’s utmost love and respect, ” he wrote.
The online Summer Session at TAMIU began Monday. Registration for Fall 2020 is now underway. An online catalog containing a list of all undergraduate, graduate and doctoral degree programs is at http://catalog.tamiu.edu
As part of its response to the COVID-19 pandemic, TAMIU’s campus is closed only to the general public. Campus entry continues for students, faculty, staff and those having legitimate reasons to be on campus. Online and virtual services at the University continue, practicing all CDC Guidelines on gathering, face-covering and social distancing and with staff working remotely. Office hours are subject to change and it is recommended that phone or email contact be made first to determine the office’s schedule of operation. An online directory is here.
The University’s dedicated COVID-19 website is updated regularly and includes information on office schedules and services, an expansive FAQ, quick links, student resources, official information links and much more.