
Faculty Authored Books

About the Collection

The Killam Library developed the TAMIU Faculty Authored Book ( FAB) Collection in 2009 to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the University and to recognize the book-published scholarship of our faculty. The collection was a retrospective of Faculty publications from 2009 back to the founding of the University in September of 1970. 

The FAB collection will continue to grow as new books are produced by TAMIU faculty. Whenever possible the library has acquired two copies of the faculty-authored material; one to be placed in Special Collections for preservation and one to be placed in the general collection for lending purposes. Books are included in the FAB collection when the faculty member is the sole author, co-author, main editor, co-editor, or translator of a work.


FAB Collection

To see a list of titles in the FAB Collection search the library's catalog or click one of the buttons below.

Library Information

Sue & Radcliffe Killam Library


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