
Article 11. Sanctions

Published by the TAMIU Division of Student Engagement


The University reserves the right, through fair process, to impose disciplinary and academic sanctions on students who have violated the Student Code of Conduct.  Any sanction described below may be placed on deferred status. Please review TAMIU Rule 08.01.01.L1, Civil Rights Complaint and Appeal Process for the range of sanctions for violations of sexual harassment or sexual misconduct. The list below is not exhaustive.

Campus Housing Probation: An official notice that the student’s conduct is in violation of residence hall rules, University Apartments rules and/or University rules and that more stringent student conduct sanctions, including removal from housing, may result if future violations occur.

Community/University Service: A student may be offered an opportunity to complete a specified number of hours of Community/University Service in lieu of or in addition to other sanctions.

Conduct Probation: An official warning that the student’s conduct is in violation of the TAMIU Student Code of Conduct, but is not sufficiently serious to warrant expulsion, dismissal or suspension. A student on conduct probation is “not in good disciplinary standing” with the University. This sanction includes the same restrictions listed in Deferred Suspension. (Refer to Section 12.08)

Conduct Review: An official warning that the student's conduct is in violation of TAMIU Student Code of Conduct, but is not sufficiently serious to warrant expulsion, dismissal, suspension, or conduct probation.  A student on conduct review shall have their conduct under review for a specified period of time.  This sanction may require regular meetings with an appropriate official to ascertain and evaluate compliance with Student Code of Conduct.  Additional restrictions or conditions also may be imposed, depending on the nature and seriousness of the misconduct.  Students placed on this sanction remain “in good disciplinary standing” with the University.  If there is a finding of responsibility for subsequent violations of the Student Code of Conduct during this period of time, more severe sanctions may be administered. (Refer to Section 12.08)

Criminal Trespass Warning: In addition to being suspended or expelled from the University, the student is prohibited from entering the grounds and/or facilities owned, operated and/or maintained by the University. Entrance onto campus or into those facilities/areas will be viewed as a violation of this sanction and the student will be confronted and charged accordingly for trespassing and failure to comply.

Deferred Loss of Campus Housing Privilege: The sanction of Loss of Campus Housing Privilege may be placed in deferred status. If a student is found in violation of the Student Code of Conduct during the time of the deferred sanction, removal from housing takes effect immediately without further review. Additional student conduct sanctions appropriate to the new violation may also be taken.

Deferred Suspension: The sanction of Deferred Suspension may be placed in deferred status. If the student is found in violation of any University rule during the time of Deferred Suspension, the Suspension takes effect immediately without further review. Additional student conduct sanctions appropriate to the new violation also may be taken. A student who has been issued a Deferred Suspension sanction is deemed “not in good disciplinary standing” with the University. (Refer to Section 12.08)

Dismissal: Separation of the student from the University for an indefinite period of time. Readmission to the University may be possible in the future, but no specific time for a decision is established. In civil rights related matters, respondents will have an opportunity to challenge the decision immediately following the removal.

Educational Requirements: A provision to complete a specific educational requirement directly related to the violation committed. Such educational requirements may include, but are not limited to, completion of an alcohol education workshop, an awareness workshop, essays, reports, or other education requirements, as deemed appropriate to support student development.

Expulsion: Permanent separation of the student from the University whereby the student is not eligible for readmission.

Letter of Enrollment Block: A letter stating that the student may not enroll at TAMIU without prior approval through the Vice President for Student Engagement (or their designee) if enrollment has been blocked for a previous student conduct problem or for medical reasons.

Letter of Reprimand: A letter providing a record of an incident that reflects unfavorably on the student or the University.

Loss of Campus Housing Privilege: Removal from University housing for disciplinary reasons.

No Contact Order:  A no contact order is a directive to prohibit intentional contact, whether direct or indirect, with one or more designated persons or group(s) through any means, including personal contact, e-mail, telephone, social media or third parties. A violation of a no conduct order can result in additional conduct charges, more severe consequences, and/or issuing a trespass warning.

Restitution: A payment for financial injury caused to another through misconduct. Restitution may be imposed alone or in addition to other sanctions. 

Restrictions: The withdrawal of specified privileges for a definite period of time.

Suspension: Separation of the student from the University for a definite period of time. The student is not guaranteed readmission at the end of such a period of time but is guaranteed a review of the case and a decision regarding eligibility for readmission.

Warning: Admonition of a student for actions unbecoming to the University community.

Office of Student Conduct and Community Engagement
Student Center (STC) 226
5201 University Boulevard Laredo, Texas 78041
Email: scce@tamiu.edu
Phone: 956.326.2265

Spring Office Hours:

Monday & Tuesday – 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Wednesday & Thursday – 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Friday – 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Saturday & Sunday – Closed