TAMIU Weather Update 2025-01-17 15:26:00
Due to the threat of severe winter weather, TAMIU will be closed on Tuesday, Jan. 21.
  • Offices closed Monday, Jan. 20 (MLK Day)
  • Offices closed & classes cancelled Tuesday, Jan. 21
  • Regular office hours resume Wednesday, Jan. 22 at 8 a.m.
Stay safe and warm! Follow updates on SafeZone, and official TAMIU email, social media, and website updates. In case of emergency, contact TAMIU Campus Police at (956) 326-2100. Late Registration continues through Jan. 27: go.tamiu.edu/registration

Biological Safety

The university through the Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) reviews and authorizes research with recombinant DNA and biohazard materials.

The primary role of the Office of Environmental Health and Safety is to ensure that laboratory facilities and operations conform to the regulatory requirements established by the IBC, state agencies such as the Texas Department of State Health Services, Centers for Disease Control and federal agencies such as the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).

This is accomplished through a comprehensive program comprised of training, routine audits to ensure compliance with mandated regulations and consulting with researchers, laboratory personnel and teaching staff concerning compliance with the federal and state laws and regulations in these areas.

Plans and Reference Documents

Biological Safety Manual   Waste Disposal Guide     BSL-1 Door Sign     BSL-2 Door Sign

Biosafety levels [CDC]     Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories

General Information

"BIOHAZARDOUS WASTE" means any solid or liquid biological waste that is hazardous because of its physical and/or biological nature and is differentiated from that which contains hazardous chemicals or radioactive materials. All waste that contains infectious material or which, because of its biological nature, may be harmful to humans, animals, plants or the environment is biohazard waste. This includes:

  • waste from infectious animals
  • bulk human blood or blood products
  • infectious microbiological waste (including contaminated disposable culture dishes and disposable devices used to transfer, inoculate and mix cultures);
  • pathological waste;
  • sharps; and
  • hazardous products of recombinant DNA biotechnology and genetic manipulation.

Biohazardous waste may be generated from teaching and research laboratories/operations or clinical settings.

Disposal Guidelines: 

  • SHARPS – Place in a rigid, puncture resistant container (heavy walled plastic is recommended). Never attempt to retrieve items from a sharps container. Do not place sharps in plastic bags or other thin-walled containers.
  • BROKEN GLASSWARE – Place in a rigid, puncture resistant container (plastic, heavy cardboard or metal), seal securely and clearly label "BROKEN GLASS". 
  • SOLID BIOHAZARDOUS WASTE – Use heavy duty plastic "BIOHAZARD BAGS" (autoclave bags) or containers for solid biohazard waste (including contaminated disposable plastic labware, paper, bedding, etc. [NOT SHARPS]).
  • NONHAZARDOUS BIOHAZARDOUS WASTE – Heavy duty plastic bags or other appropriate container without a biohazard label are preferred. Red or orange biohazard bags or containers should not be used for nonhazardous material.
  • LIQUIDS Should be placed in leak-proof containers able to withstand thermal or chemical treatment. DO NOT USE PLASTIC BAGS TO CONTAIN LIQUIDS.


  • Each container of untreated biohazard waste must be clearly identified as such and must be labeled with the Biohazard Symbol.
  • Each container of treated biohazard waste intended for disposal in the Landfill must be labeled to indicate the method of treatment and to cover biohazard markings.
  • Label autoclave bags with commercially available autoclave tape that produces the word "AUTOCLAVED" upon adequate thermal treatment. Apply this tape across the Biohazard Symbol on the bag before autoclaving.

Emergency Response

Contact safety@tamiu.edu with any questions or to report a general concern. Call 911 or 956-326-2911 (University Police Department) with immediate safety concerns. 

Exposure Incident Response – Small Injuries:

For small injuries (e.g. needle sticks, nicks, small cuts or punctures):

  1. Wash the injured area immediately with soap and water.
  2. For very small wounds where bleeding is minimal, encourage the injury to bleed while washing.
  3. Notify your PI/Supervisor as soon as possible with the details of what occurred. 

Exposure Incident Response – Mucous Membrane/Open Wound Exposure

For mucous membrane or open wound exposure (e.g. a splash or spill into your eyes, nose or mouth, or onto broken skin):

  1. Wash the affected broken skin immediately with soap and water.
  2. Flush the affected mucous membrane(s) immediately at the eyewash station or at the sink with running clean water.
  3. Notify your PI/Supervisor as soon as possible with the details of what occurred.
If you have biohazard waste and are not sure what to do with it, contact our office immediately (956-326-2194)