Wildlife Safety
No, They’re Not Your Pet
As most are aware, Texas A&M International University’s (TAMIU) 300-acre campus is also home to an extended community of regional wildlife. You’ll find white-tailed deer, javelinas, and assorted small animals and snakes.
They all belong here and TAMIU strives to maintain a peaceful co-existence between human and animal communities. We respect them…and you should too.
Part of Our Campus
Many find the campus’ wildlife an attraction, and visit the campus to view them. And that’s what’s best, viewing them from a distance. They are wild animals. They are NOT your pet.
So Please DO NOT:
Approach to take pictures (use the Zoom feature on your camera or smartphone)
Try to Pet
Try to Catch
Feed Them!
Some of these animals frequently herd and feed on campus at irregular times, sometimes with their young. Protective parents of younger animals can assume defensive postures. Do not engage or otherwise aggravate them further by approaching them. They know what they’re doing.
So Please DO: Leave Them Alone
In some instances, young animals appear on their own, but they are not abandoned...the parent is just taking a break and will return…but not until you’re gone. On occasion, an injured or sick animal may appear on campus. They should not be approached at all. Report their location to University Police.
Please exercise caution when walking or driving on campus, especially during early morning or evening hours when greater animal presence is likely.
Got Concerns or Questions?
Should you feel that the presence of animals endangers your safe passage, or have encountered an animal and are concerned that it appears endangered, always notify University Police by calling 956.326.2100, and they will assist you.