
Daily Crime Log 2021

Daiy Crime Log 2021
Nature of Crime/Classification Case Number Date/Time Reported Date/Time Occurred General Location Disposition
Burglary of Vehicle Class A 2021-000138 12/10/2021 05:03 p.m. 12/10/2021 05:03 p.m. Residential Learning Community Inactive
Terroristic Threats w/Dating Violence Class A 2021-000136 12/09/2021 5:01 p.m. 12/09/2021 03:56 p.m. Lamar Bruni vergara Science Center Unfounded
Harassment Class B 2021-000135 12/09/2021 1:03 p.m. 12/08/2021 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Zaffirini Success Center Reclassified (Incident Report)
Furnishing Alcohol to Minors Class A; Minor in Possession Class C 2021-000134 12/03/2021 10:22 p.m. 12/03/2021 10:22 p.m. University Village Cleared by Arrest; Cleared by Citation
Theft/Credit Card Abuse Class B 2021-000128 11/29/2021 02:28 p.m. 11/29/2021 02:28 p.m. University Village parking lot Exceptionally Cleared
Public Intoxication Class C 2021-000126 11/28/2021 03:30 a.m. 11/28/2021 03:30 a.m. University Blvd/Entrance 1 Cleared by Citation
Public Intoxication Class C 2021-000124 11/22/2021 03:34 p.m. 11/22/2021 03:34 p.m. Billy Cowart Hall Cleared by Citation
Driving While Intoxicated Class B 2021-000123 11/20/2021 02:22 a.m. 11/20/2021 02:22 a.m. University Blvd/East Rd (Entrance 2) Cleared by Arrest
Furnishing Alcohol to Minors Class A 2021-000122 11/19/2021 02:24 a.m. 11/19/2021 02:24 a.m. University Village Cleared by Arrest
Possession of controlled substance Felony 3; Fail to Identify Class B 2021-000121 11/19/2021 02:24 a.m. 11/19/2021 02:24 a.m. University Village Cleared by Arrest / Cleared by Arrest
Terroristic Threats Class B 2021-000117 11/15/2021 04:09 p.m. 11/15/2021 04:09 p.m. TAMIU Campus Exceptionally Cleared
Harassment Class B 2021-000116 11/15/2021 03:17 p.m. 11/15/2021 03:17 p.m. TAMIU Campus Other Agency is handling this Case. Reclassified (Incident Report)
Theft Class B 2021-000112 11/06/2021 01:35 p.m. 11/06/2021 12:00 p.m. Bob Bullock Hall Cleared by Arrest
Criminal Trespass Class B 2021-000111 11/05/2021 03:44 p.m. 11/05/2021 03:44 p.m. Student Center Cleared by Arrest
Theft Class B 2021-000110 11/05/2021 02:11 p.m. 11/05/2021 12:00 p.m. Student Center Inactive
Reckless Driving Class C 2021-000103 10/25/2021 06:47 p.m. 10/25/2021 06:47 p.m. Athletic Lot Cleared by Citation
Duty on Striking Unattended Vehicle 2021-000101 10/19/2021 11:09 a.m. 10/19/2021 11:09 a.m. East Student Parking Lot Active
Cruelty to Non-Livestock Animals Class A 2021-000100 10/15/2021 09:17 p.m. 10/15/2021 09:17 p.m. Residential Learning Community Unfounded
Criminal Trespass Class A 2021-000097 10/13/2021 04:19 p.m. 10/13/2021 04:19 p.m. University Village Inactive
Harassment 2021-000098 10/14/2021 00:19 a.m. 10/14/2021 00:19 a.m. UPD Lobby Reclassified (2021-000097)
Duty on Striking Unattended Vehicle 2021-000095 10/11/2021 10:57 a.m. 10/11/2021 10:57 a.m. Academic Innovation Center Parking Lot Active
Assault Class C 2021-000091 10/01/2021 11:32 a.m. 10/01/2021 11:32 a.m. Residential Learning Community Cleared by Citation
Duty on Striking Unattended Vehicle 2021-000090 09/28/2021 08:09 a.m. 09/28/2021 08:09 a.m. East Student Parking Lot Exceptionally Cleared
Terroristic Threats Class B 2021-000089 09/28/2021 07:01 p.m. 09/28/2021 07:01 p.m. University Vilage Exceptionally Cleared
Duty on Striking Unattended Vehicle 2021-000088 09/28/2021 03:06 p.m. 09/28/2021 03:06 p.m. Student Center/Fine & Performaning Arts Parking Lot Cleared by Arrest
Burglary of Habitation Felony 2 2021-000086 09/23/2021 11:44 p.m. 09/23/2021 11:44 p.m. Residential Learning Community Inactive
Public Intoxication Class C;Assault Class C 2021-000085 09/24/2021 03:08 p.m. 09/24/2021 03:08 p.m. University Village Pool Area Cleared by Citation
Theft Class C 2021-000084 09/24/2021 01:01 p.m. 09/24/2021 between 12-12:30 p.m. West Student Parking Lot Inactive
Driving While Intoxicated Class B/ Possession of Alcohol by Minor 2021-000081 09/18/2021 02:55 a.m. 09/17/2021 02:55 a.m. West Road/ Entrance 3 Cleared by Arrest/Cleared by Citation
Minor in Possession of Tobacco and E-Cigarette 2021-000080 09/17/2021 10:46 a.m. 09/17/2021 10:46 a.m. Smoking Pavilion outside of Western Hemispheric Trade Center Cleared by Citation
Duty on Striking Unattended Vehicle 2021-000078 09/14/2021 04:25 p.m. 09/14/2021 04:25 p.m. AIC Parking Lot Cleared by Arrest
Driving While Intoxicated Class B 2021-000077 09/12/2021 03:59 a.m. 09/12/2021 03:59 a.m. University Blvd./Loop 20 Cleared by Arrest
Theft Class A 2021-000072 09/09/2021 01:40PM 09/09/2021 between 12PM-1PM Killam Library Reclassified (Incident Report)
Possession of Marijuana Class B/Possession of Drug Paraphernalia 2021-000071 09/08/2021 11:58 p.m. 09/08/2021 11:58 p.m. University Village Cleared by Arrest/Cleared by Citation
Possession of Control Substance Felony 2 2021-000068 09/07/2021 11:22 a.m. 09/07/2021 11:22 a.m. Canseco Hall Cleared by Arrest
Possession of Marijuana Class B 2021-000067 09/04/2021 12:04 a.m. 09/04/2021 12:04 a.m. Zaffirini Parking Lot Cleared by Arrest (3X)
Duty on Striking Unattended Vehicle 2021-000063 08/24/2021 05:08 p.m. 08/24/2021 05:08 p.m. East Student Parking Lot Inactive
Assault Class A Family Violence 2021-000062 08/23/2021 10:15 p.m. 08/23/2021 10:15 p.m. Baseball Field Cleared by Arrest
Assault Class C 2021-000056 7/14/2021 09:08 p.m. 06/02/2021 approx. 11 p.m. University Village Cleared by Arrest
Public Lewdness 2021-000054 06/29/2021 01:05 p.m. 06/29/2021 01:05 p.m. Cowart Hall Breezeway Referred to Outside Agency
Theft Class C 2021-000048 05/17/2021 05:26 p.m. 05/17/2021 05:00 p.m. University Village Inactive
Harassment Class B 2021-000045 05/12/2021 1:39 p.m. 05/12/2021 1:39 p.m. Zaffirini Success Center Exceptionally Cleared
Theft Class C 2021-000044 05/07/2021 08:57 a.m. 05/06/2021 02:35 p.m. Bill Cowart Hall Inactive
Possession of Alcohol by Minor Class C 2021-000043 05/04/2021 11:38 p.m. 05/04/2021 11:38 p.m. Residential Learning Community Cleared by Citation (2X)
Theft Class A 2021-000040 04/29/2021 03:05 p.m. 04/29/2021 03:05 p.m. Zaffirini Success Center Reclassified (Incident Report)
Criminal Trespass Habitation Class A 2021-000037 04/25/2021 04:41 a.m. 04/25/2021 03:41 a.m. (approx) University Village Inactive
Criminal Trespass Habitation Class A 2021-000036 04/25/2021 03:59 a.m. 04/25/2021 03:59 a.m. University Village Cleared By Arrest
Theft Class A 2021-000035 04/17/2021 11:54 a.m. 04/17/2021 11:54 a.m. Residential Learning Community Inactive
Criminal Trespass Class B 2021-000034 04/12/2021 01:20 a.m. 04/12/2021 01:20 a.m. East Rd./South Loop Cleared by Arrest
Driving While Intoxicated Class B 2021-000033 04/11/2021 02:44 a.m. 04/11/2021 02:44 a.m. West University Blvd./Loop 20 Cleared by Arrest
Theft Class B 2021-000031 03/26/2021 07:56 p.m. 03/26/2021 07:56 p.m. University Village Inactive
Theft Class A 2021-000030 03/25/2021 10:01 p.m. 03/25/21 10:01 p.m. University Village Parking Lot Inactive
Assault Class C 2021-000029 03/16/2021 05:17 p.m. 10/20/2017 between 1 a.m. - 5 a.m. Residential Learning Community Unfounded
Criminal Trespass Class B; Failure to Identify Class B 2021-000026 02/28/2021 10:36 a.m. 02/28/2021 10:36 a.m. Residential Learning Community Cleared by Arrest
Theft Class A 2021-000024 02/22/2021 12:54 p.m. 02/22/2021 12:54 p.m. University Village Inactive
Furnishing Alcohol to Minors Class A ; Minors in Possession Class A 2021-000022 2/14/2021 01:31 a.m. 2/14/2021 01:31 a.m. University Village Cleared by Arrest (1X)/ Citations (3X)
Criminal Trespass Class B 2021-000016 1/29/2021 04:40 p.m. 01/29/2021 04:40 p.m. Academic Innovation Center Cleared by Arrest (1X)
Telephone Harassment Class B 2021-000006 01/06/2021 09:19 p.m. 01/06/2021 09:19 p.m. University Village Inactive
Telephone Harassment Class B 2021-000005 01/06/2021 10:29 a.m. 01/06/2021 10:29 a.m. Student Center Inactive
Evading Arrest Detention Class A (3X) 2021-000003 01/05/2021 09:55 p.m. 01/05/2021 09:55 p.m. Residential Learning Community Cleared by Arrest (3X)

03/02/2022 05:57 p.m.