Posted: 2/04/21

TAMIU E-Learning Team Celebrates 200 Quality Matters Certified Courses


Tech and Keyboard

As the role of distance education has increased throughout the COVID-19 Pandemic, maintaining high-caliber, quality courses is paramount to the success of online education.

As part of their commitment to offering high-quality distance education courses, Texas A&M International University’s (TAMIU) e-Learning team recently reached a significant milestone with the Quality Matters (QM) certification of its 200th course.

Dr. Patricia C. Abrego, TAMIU director of Instructional Technology and Distance Education, highlighted the importance of the accolade.

“This milestone is important because it demonstrates TAMIU’s commitment to creating and maintaining an environment of excellence in online programs,” said Dr. Abrego. 

Initially organized by online educators at MarylandOnline, Inc., the QM program was supported by a Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education grant from the U.S. Department of Education. The program offers quality assurance for online education and has received national recognition for its peer-based approach and continuous improvement in online education and student learning.

The QM program was adopted at TAMIU in 2011 and has since flourished through the work of 192 QM-certified faculty members at the University. QM-certified courses can be found in every College or School at the University. A full list of the University’s 200 QM-certified courses can be found at https://www.tamiu.edu/qm/course-review/recognized-courses.shtml.

Course standards are rigorous and require an extensive vetting process, Abrego explained.

“Faculty members participate in professional development workshops on how to apply the QM rubric into their courses. The QM rubric consists of 43 standards of quality based on research and best practices in online learning that work in alignment to provide the best educational experience to our students. Faculty work together with an instructional designer on the development of the course. Once the course is designed, it undergoes an internal review process before it is sent to QM for certification,” said Abrego.

The University’s e-Learning team plays a pivotal role in the certification process. Additionally, the e-Learning team is responsible for the coordination of distance education services for students at the University, as well as supporting faculty members offering distance education courses.

Currently, the University offers one undergraduate and ten graduate-level programs as well as three certificate programs online.

Members of the e-Learning team include Gloria Sánchez, assistant director of Instructional Technology Services and Distance Education Services, as well as instructional designers Anna González, Juan A. Ramírez, Julio C. Tovar and Carlos Vallarta. Additional support is also offered by special program aides and designers Julia E. Allen, Jan Brott and Zahra Moghadasian. 

For more information on the University’s QM initiative, contact the Office of Instructional Technology and Distance Education Services at 956.326.2792, email elearning@tamiu.edu or visit www.tamiu.edu/qm.  

For more about TAMIU, contact the TAMIU Office of Public Relations, Marketing and Information Services at prmis@tamiu.edu, phone 956.326.2180 or click on tamiu.edu. 

Follow the University’s story  on its social channels on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube, or visit offices in the Sue and Radcliffe Killam Library, room 268. 

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