TAMIU CARES Adds $3M for Students this Spring; University Anticipates CRRSAA Funding
Texas A&M International University (TAMIU) has helped students navigate the financial impact of the ongoing COVID-19 Pandemic through generous assistance provided by TAMIU CARES Act relief funding.
Students enrolling for Spring 2021 classes and meeting selection criteria can benefit from an additional $3 million from existing TAMIU CARES funding and anticipated federal funding from the Coronavirus Relief Response Supplemental Appropriations Act (CRRSAA). Classes start Monday, Jan. 25, 2021.
TAMIU president Dr. Pablo Arenaz said the relief provided by CARES funding and anticipated by additional CRRSAA funding is dramatic.
“The relief CARES Act funding has provided our students is dramatic. To date, we have awarded $5.1 million in emergency grants to assist students. Our students and their families have been severely impacted by the ongoing COVID-19 Pandemic. For many, this funding has enabled them to continue their degree progress and not leave the University. We anticipate being able to allocate up to an additional $3 million this semester alone with CRRSAA support,” Dr. Arenaz noted.
The anticipated CRRSAA funding comes from the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund II authorized by the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2021 Public Law 116-260, signed into law by president Trump on Dec. 27, 2020. In total, it authorizes $81.88 billion in support of education, in addition to the $30.75 billion former Education Secretary DeVos provided last spring through the CARES Act, Public Law 116-13.
Arenaz said that of special interest with the CRRSAA funding is the expansion of funding support to students enrolled in exclusively online classes.
“Previous CARES Act funding did not anticipate the impact of the Pandemic on students in online programs, and CRRSAA funding will help address that. We have a growing number of students enrolled in completely online degree programs, so this will be of tremendous help to them,” he noted.
Only enrolled students are eligible for this funding assistance and there are additional requirements. Enrolled students are encouraged to visit the TAMIU CARES website at https://www.tamiu.edu/cares/ for updated details and criteria for selection. After the semester’s start, students will be contacted by TAMIU email to help guide the process.
Late registration continues through Friday, Jan. 29. Financial aid is available. All University offices and the Sue and Radcliffe Killam Library are open and providing all services. Masks are required and social distancing is practiced on campus.