TAMIU Welcomes 20 New Faculty Members

Texas A&M International University’s (TAMIU) Fall semester begins Monday, and 20 new faculty members will help deliver the University’s higher education mission.
TAMIU provost and vice president for Academic Affairs Dr. Tom Mitchell said the new faculty are joining the University’s five Colleges and Schools from a variety of universities, most holding the highest or terminal degree in their field.
“We’re welcoming an impressive group of new faculty this Fall. They are the result of nationwide searches and we’re eager for them to share their insight, guidance and research with our students. Over 90% hold the highest terminal degree in their discipline, bringing additional depth and expertise that continues to distinguish our students’ learning experience here,” Dr. Mitchell said.
The new faculty, their respective Colleges and Schools, role and degrees/institutions earned from, are as follows:
A.R. Sanchez, Jr. School of Business -- Zachary H. Cohle, assistant professor of Economics, Ph.D., University of Florida; Amit Gosh, professor and Chair of International Banking and Finance Studies, Ph.D., Claremont Graduate University, and Ajith Venugopal, assistant professor of Management, A.B.D., University of Texas at Arlington.
College of Arts and Sciences – Mahmood Karimi Abdolmaleki, assistant professor of Chemistry, Ph.D., University of Cincinnati; Emily Bayless, assistant professor of Art, M.F.A., University of Colorado, Boulder; Josias Figueirido, assistant professor of Art, M.F.A., Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts; Sharmin Hasan, assistant professor of Biology, Ph.D., The University of Tokyo; Brittany J. Hood, assistant professor of Criminal Justice, A.B.D., Indiana University, and Devang Khambhati, assistant professional of Chemistry, Ph.D., Oklahoma State University.
Also, Mary Cate Komoski, assistant professor of Psychology, Ph.D., University of Wisconsin, Madison; Muhammad Mohebujjaman, assistant professor of Mathematics, Ph.D., Clemson University; Fatick Nath, assistant professor of Engineering, A.B.D., University of Louisiana, Lafayette; Catherine S. Steele, assistant professor of Psychology, Ph.D., Kansas State University and Jascha Wagner, assistant professor of Criminal Justice, Ph.D., University of Delaware.
College of Education – Christian J. Faltis, professor of Curriculum and Instruction, Ph.D., Stanford University.
College of Nursing and Health Sciences – Judith Abrego, clinical assistant professor, B.S.N., Texas A&M International University; Cindy Salazar-Collier, assistant professor of Public Health, Ph.D., the University of Texas Health Science Center, Houston, School of Public Health, and Iman Ridda, associate professor and Director of Public Health, Ph.D., University of Sydney, Australia.
University College – Barbara Hong, professor and Dean, Ph.D., Columbia University.
Sue and Radcliffe Killam Library – Benjamin S. Rawlins, Killam Library Director, M.S.L.S., University of Kentucky.
Registration for Fall 2020 is now underway. TAMIUFlex, Hybrid, Face-to-Face and online courses will all have the same tuition rates. Fall classes begin Monday, Aug. 24, 2020. Registration continues through Friday, Aug. 28.
An online catalog containing a list of all undergraduate, graduate and doctoral degree programs is at http://catalog.tamiu.edu
The University’s online COVID-19 Response Center is updated regularly and includes information on office schedules and services, an expansive FAQ, quick links, student resources, official information resources and much more.
To learn more about TAMIU’s Back Together Plan for Fall, go to https://www.tamiu.edu/coronavirus/student-faqs.shtml
As part of its response to the COVID-19 pandemic, TAMIU’s campus is closed only to the general public. Entry to campus continues for students, faculty, staff and those having legitimate reasons to be on campus. Online and virtual services at the University continue, practicing all CDC Guidelines on gathering, masking and social distancing and with most staff working remotely.
Office hours are subject to change and it is recommended that phone or email contact be made first to determine the office’s schedule of operation. An online directory is here.