TAMIU CARES Summer II Applications Close for Summer
Texas A&M International University's TAMIU CARES (Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act) applications for Summer II closed July 22. The University has already disbursed approximately $2 million in Emergency Financial Aid Grants to TAMIU students.
TAMIU president Dr. Pablo Arenaz said the TAMIU CARES program is performing as expected, and providing critical assistance to students.
“Thousands of TAMIU students and their families have been impacted by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The availability of this assistance has been a beacon of relief for them. We are truly thankful to our congressional delegation for their leadership on this,” Dr. Arenaz said, “We encourage summer-enrolled students to apply for TAMIU CARES assistance for the summer and carefully review requirements and documentation needed to complete their applications.”
Only Title IV-eligible students will receive application information via their student Dusty Email account. Information is available at the TAMIU CARES dedicated web site at https://www.tamiu.edu/cares/
Grant award amounts of up to $1500 can be allocated for expenses related to the disruption due to COVID-19, including housing and food insecurity, medical expenses, and lack of educational support and supplies, including technology.
“TAMIU CARES and other dedicated funds will provide just over $5.1 million in emergency grants to our students by the end of the Fall semester. Of this, 92%, or $4,750,878, are federal funds while the remaining 8%, or $394,000, is from non-governmental sources,” Arenaz concluded.
For additional information,on TAMIU CARES distributions to date and Fall grant availability, visit https://www.tamiu.edu/cares/ or email tamiucares@tamiu.edu
Additional information on the University’s ongoing response to the COVID-19 Pandemic is available on its online COVID-19 Response Center, located at https://www.tamiu.edu/coronavirus/index.shtml
Registration for Fall 2020 is now underway. TAMIUFlex, Hybrid, Face-to-Face and online courses will all have the same tuition rates. An online catalog containing a list of all undergraduate, graduate and doctoral degree programs is at http://catalog.tamiu.edu
TAMIU ranks 5th in the nation among the 100 Most Affordable Public Schools with the Highest Return on Investment (ROI), according to ranking authority Great Value Colleges. U.S. News and World Report’s 2020 Edition of its popular Best Colleges guide ranks TAMIU as the second highest-ranked Texas public university in its Best Regional Universities West category and the highest-ranked regional campus of the Texas A&M University System.
Most recently, TAMIU earned a top tier ranking for its COVID-19 Pandemic response. The 2020 Educate to Career College ranking placed TAMIU in Tier I for colleges and universities that have responded to the pandemic in ways that benefit and protect students, especially in terms of available online learning resources. Some 1200 colleges across the nation were reviewed.
As part of its response to the COVID-19 pandemic, TAMIU’s campus is closed only to the general public. Entry to campus continues for students, faculty, staff and those having legitimate reasons to be on campus. Online and virtual services at the University continue, practicing all CDC Guidelines on gathering, masking and social distancing and with most staff working remotely.
Office hours are subject to change and it is recommended that phone or email contact be made first to determine the office’s schedule of operation. An online directory is here.