Posted: 2/28/19

TAMIU Highest Rated Texas University in Eduventure 2018 Student Success Ratings


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A national rating that focuses on universities exceling at retaining and graduating students says Texas A&M International University (TAMIU)  is the highest rated Texas Public Masters University and in the national top 25%  for its category in the 2018 Eduventures® Research Student Success Ratings Report.

The authors analyzed some 1,100 institutions in order to better help colleges, universities, students and their families identify institutions like TAMIU that excel at retaining and graduating students.

The report is distinct as it identifies schools by ratings and not rankings, creating scores that enable institutions to measure themselves against their own efforts and those of their peers. 

TAMIU president Dr. Pablo Arenaz said the distinction offered by the rating is a strong measure for TAMIU and helps it to consider its own initiatives in retaining and graduating students.

“With this rating, we see that we are in sync with the best public institutions dedicating a broad range of resources to student completion and real student success.  A rising tide truly does raise all boats, and with this rating and the true best practices that it measures, we’re on track and delivering,” Dr. Arenaz said.

TAMIU is the only Texas A&M University System campus in the Public Masters rating category, and the top-rated of three Texas institutions in the report.

The rating was established by Eduventures, a research and advisory firm focused on higher education, now part of ACT/National Research Center for College and University Admissions (NRCCUA).

ACT/NRCCUA is a leading provider of data, technology and programs that service public and private colleges and universities.  ACT is probably most familiar as the provider of the nation’s college and career achievement assessment for more than 50 years. The ACT/NRCCUA goal is to provide actionable research based on proprietary market data.

The 2018 report draws from institutional data for first-year retention and six-year graduation rates for first-time, full-time, degree-seeking freshmen. It then uses a linear regression model that looks at the influence of demographic, academic, social and financial variables.  It notes the difference between predicted and actual Student Success Scores. A second metric  looks at the institution’s potential for improvement. Ten year trends are considered and only reasonably like institutions are compared.

Additional University information is available from the TAMIU Office of Public Relations, Marketing and Information Services by calling 956.326.2180, emailing prmis@tamiu.edu, clicking on tamiu.edu, or visiting offices in the Sue and Radcliffe Killam Library, room 268.

More of the University’s story is available on its dedicated social media channels on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter and YouTube.