TAMIU Signs Collaboration Agreement with Universidad Del Noreste

Texas A&M International University (TAMIU) and Universidad Del Noreste (UNE) from Tampico, Tamaulipas, México, recently signed a Collaboration Agreement that will allow them to work together to promote social and economic development in their respective countries and coordinate efforts in academia and research.
The Agreement will specifically allow for exchange of faculty and students between the two universities as well as collaborative research, exchange of education materials and databases, joint and dual degree programs and joint sponsorship of conferences and symposia.
For more information, please contact Mariana Barberena, U.S.-México coordinator, TAMIU Office of Global Initiatives, at 956.326.2831, email mariana.barberena@tamiu.edu or visit offices located in the Anthony J. and Georgia A. Pellegrino, room 302 E.
Pictured from left to right are: María Eugenia Calderón Porter, TAMIU assistant vice president for Global Initiaties; Dr. Pablo Arenaz, TAMIU president; Dr. Lilia Velazco Del Angel, UNE president; and Carolina Zaragoza Flores, Cónsul General of México in Laredo.