TAMIU Hosts National Voter Registration Day, “One Vote” Film Screening Sept. 25-26
Texas A&M International University (TAMIU) will host two events in September designed to get more people to vote and stay informed about current issues and events.
National Voter Registration Day, a campus-wide event, aims to register over 200 students to vote on Tuesday, Sept. 25 from 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Six voter registration tables will be set up across TAMIU’s campus.
On Wednesday, Sept. 26, a screening of the documentary, “One Vote,” will be shown from 1 - 2 p.m. at the TAMIU Planetarium. Film production team members Theresa Goba and Jonathan Mullen will be present at the screening. A voter registration table will also be set up at the event for those who wish to register to vote.
Both events are free and open to the public.
Lilia Cantú, TAMIU University College instructor and American Democracy Project campus coordinator, said the two events are part of TAMIU’s membership in the American Democracy Project (ADP).
The Project is a network of more than 250 state colleges and universities focused on public higher education’s role in preparing the next generation of informed, engaged citizens for democracy.
“As part of this year’s ADP initiatives we have formed an ALL In Task Force, a group of student organization members, faculty, Student Affairs representatives and community partners working together to increase student voting rates,” she said, “The Task Force is organizing and hosting the events. We encourage the public to visit TAMIU and participate in these civic engagement opportunities.”
Cantú noted that three All In Task Force leaders, Alejandro De León, Eduardo Guzmán and Pedro Rivera recently attended the first-ever Texas Voting Summit in Austin, a two-day meeting promoting voter turnout and boosting civic engagement at universities across the state.
The Summit was hosted by Texas Votes, in partnership with the Annette Strauss Institute for Civic Life at The University of Texas at Austin, the Campus Vote Project and The Democracy Commitment.
The three students subsequently entered a video essay competition promoting National Voter Registration Day and other civic engagement efforts at TAMIU and won the “Most Liked Video” category in a contest organized by the Young Invincibles, a national organization whose mission is to amplify the voices of young adults in the political process and expand economic opportunity for their generation.
Learn more about National Voter Registration Day. https://nationalvoterregistrationday.org/
Find out more about the “One Vote” documentary. https://www.onevote.us/
For more information, please contact Cantú at 956.326.2803, email lilia.cantu@tamiu.edu or visit offices in the Senator Judith Zaffirini Student Success Center, room 223B.
University office hours are 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. Monday-Friday.
From left, MOVE Texas community partner Jesús Ochoa, student Alejandro De León, ADP campus coordinator and instructor Lilia P. Cantú, University task force member and instructor Daniel De La Miyar, and students Pedro Rivera and Eduardo Guzmán.