Campaign Manager for México’s incoming President López Obrador Featured in TAMIU Presidential Lecture Oct. 3

Tatiana Clouthier, the campaign manager for the successful campaign of México’s incoming President, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, will be the special guest lecturer for Texas A&M International University’s Presidential Lecture Series Wednesday, Oct. 3, 2018.
The lecture is free of charge and open to the public at 11:00 a.m. in the TAMIU Center for the Fine and Performing Arts’ Recital Hall.
Clouthier’s topic for the Lecture will be “Challenges and Differences: Governance and Public Administration between México and the United States.” She will lecture in English.
Clouthier is an educator, politician and writer who came to national attention in México as the 2018 presidential campaign manager for Andrés Manuel López Obrador. Her work in social media for the campaign has been particularly recognized.
Her family is steeped in México’s political history and her father, Manuel Clouthier, was the 1988 National Action Party (PAN) presidential candidate who died in an automobile crash in 1989. She is the third of 11 children to go into politics. She began her career as a teacher and translator and cofounded a translation business.
She also taught English, Mexican history and socioeconomics in schools such as Monterrey Tech and the Centro Universitario México. She has held various administrative positions with the San Pedro Garza García municipality including director of human affairs, assistant to the secretary of primary services and the director of tourism, education and sports.
Clouthier followed her father into the PAN and served as a federal deputy from 1991 - 94 and 2003 - 5. She has since left that party and aligned herself with the liberal Nueva Alianza. Her involvement with campaigns and López Obrador dates back to 1992.
Her main success has been managing the candidate’s and campaign’s online presence, especially in social media, and particularly in a Twitter account called Abre Más Los Ojos (Open Your Eyes Wider).
Cloutier discovered Twitter during her work with various civic organizations, as a way to reach the public quickly. She has said she likes the platform because it is immediate, short and direct. In particular, she has been successful in communicating political ideas through videos, images and memes.
This Presidential Lecture Series is sponsored by El Mañana Newspaper.
TAMIU’s Presidential Lecture Series is an occasional series at the University that seeks to bring innovative thinkers and creators to the University in public lectures open to both students and the University community at large. It is organized by TAMIU’s University College. Recent Lecturers have included Dr. Karan Watson, Dr. Martha Nussbaum, Dr. Mark Lilla and Dr. Tomas Jiménez and on Sept. 19, 2018, Nadine Strossen.
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