Posted: 5/26/16

TAMIU Observes Memorial Day Holiday


Globe at TAMIU Entrance

Texas A&M International University (TAMIU) offices and the Sue and Radcliffe Killam Library will be closed Monday, May 30 in a State-authorized observance of Memorial Day.

The Library will be closed Saturday and Sunday, May 28-29.

The University will begin to observe its summer work schedule on Thursday, May 26.

For additional information, contact the University’s Office of Public Relations, Marketing and Information Services at 956.326.2180, e-mail prmis@tamiu.edu or click on tamiu.edu

Library information can be secured at 326.2138 during regular hours. Services hours are updated daily at https://go.tamiu.edu/libraryhours

In the event of an emergency, contact University Police at 326.2100.