TAMIU Faculty, Students Travel to Asia for NSF-funded Research
This summer, a group of nine Texas A&M International University (TAMIU) faculty members and students will be traveling to three Asian countries to conduct research funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF), Science of Science and Innovation Policy (SciSIP). The NSF Award for the research project was $335,709.
The research project, entitled, “Transmission of Tacit Skills in East Asian Graduate Science Programs,” aims to investigate how future scientists and research professionals are trained, socialized and mentored in graduate science programs of Japan, Singapore and Taiwan.
Led by TAMIU faculty members, Dr. Marcus Ynalvez, assistant professor of sociology; Dr. Ruby Ynalvez, assistant professor of biology and Dr. John Kilburn, professor of sociology and associate dean of research, a group of graduate and undergraduate students in the natural and the social sciences will contribute to the research effort abroad as student researchers from May to July.
Graduate sociology students Maria Del Rosario Benavides and Jorge Aviles, along with undergraduates Jessica Chandarlis, Selina Fuentes, Enrique Ramírez and Alvaro Sánchez will conduct research in their assigned countries.
Dr. Marcus Ynalvez said the group will survey professors and doctoral students in the chemical sciences to learn how doctoral students are being trained and mentored in the assigned countries.
“This is a good research opportunity for students as they get exposure to international research, training experience, develop contacts and meet other professors abroad,” Dr. Ynalvez said, “They will also learn all the research skills we want them to learn especially in the sociology of science and technology.”
Research students were chosen after their respective professors nominated them for interview, Dr. Ynalvez said.
“The expectation is that they will help us manage surveys abroad and each of them will also write a research experience journal to be submitted to the NSF and write journal articles,” he said.
He said he feels the group is fortunate to have the opportunity to travel abroad and conduct research internationally.
“This research mentoring experience will help them in their future professional careers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics,” he said.
For more information, please contact Dr. Marcus Ynalvez at 326.2621, email mynalvez@tamiu.edu or visit the Dr. F.M. Canseco Hall, room 302D.
University office hours are 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. Monday-Friday.
Journalists who need additional information or help with media requests and interviews should contact the Office of Public Relations, Marketing and Information Services at prmis@tamiu.edu