TAMIU SBDC Offers March Business Lectures
The Texas A&M International University Small Business Development Center (TAMIU-SBDC) will sponsor several workshops throughout the month of March.
Workshop dates and topics are as follows:
Wednesday, March 20: Anatomy of a Business Plan Workshop will be held from 9:00 to 12:00 noon at the TAMIU Western Hemispheric Trade Center, room 126. Workshop fee is $20, and each participant receives Linda Pinzon’s “Anatomy of a Business Plan: a Step-by-Step Guide to Building a Business and Securing your Company’s Future,” a $50 value. Instructor Angelo Piccirillo explains that planning is the map to success in the business world. A business plan is needed when: starting or buying a business, financing or refinancing a business, or raising debt or equity capital.
Tuesday, March 26: Managing Cash: - the Small Business Owner's Guide to Financial Control Workshop, is scheduled from 9:00 to 12:00 noon, at the TAMIU Western Hemispheric Trade Center, room 126; $20 fee includes Workbook. Cash flow is what comes into and goes out of a business. Gaining financial control by understanding cash flow is crucial to business success. Norma Rodríguez will review cash – the fuel that runs a business, maximizing cash flow, tools for speeding up cash collections, overdue invoices, and three tools for helping with accounts receivable, cash flow statements and four short-term financing solutions.
Wednesday, March 27: Understanding Credit & Budgeting Workshop will be offered from 9:00 to 11:30 a.m.; classroom location provided with registration confirmation. Certified business advisor Tina Rodríguez will review Credit Reporting Myths, Disputing Inaccuracies, Rebuilding Credit, and Debt Management.
Thursday, March 28: Getting Started in Federal Contracting: Veterans Boot Camp Business Start-up will be offered from 10:00 to 1:30 p.m. classroom location provided with registration confirmation. The seminar is for veterans who are thinking about starting their own business. Curtis Mohler, Senior Business Development Specialist from the University of Texas at San Antonio’s SBDC- Procurement Technical Assistance Center (PTAC) Veterans Assistance and Service Program will discuss the basics of owning a business, including the feasibility of the idea, determining the right legal structure for the small business and exploring the initial paperwork involved with starting a new business. A brief summary of getting started in working with the government will be presented and the instructor will guide you through the certification and registration process. Join us for this free-of-charge seminar.
For more information or to register for any of these Workshops, call the TAMIU-SBDC office at 956.326.2827 or e-mail:sbdc@tamiu.edu
Register online at http://sbdc.tamiu.edu
Journalists who need additional information or help with media requests and interviews should contact the Office of Public Relations, Marketing and Information Services at prmis@tamiu.edu