TAMIU Pre-Med Advisor Kellogg Assists Students
Students who dream of becoming medical doctors will be one step closer to reaching that dream with the assistance from the new Texas A&M International University pre-medical advisor for its Cooperative Medical Programs.
Dr. Daniel Mott, chair, TAMIU College of Arts and Sciences Department of Biology and Chemistry, announced the addition of Dr. Caroline D. Kellogg to the faculty.
“We are fortunate to have Dr. Kellogg with her enthusiasm for undergraduate science education. After a year of teaching with us as a lab instructor, she agreed to help us develop our electron microscopy course. She is approachable and enjoys assisting our pre-med students,” Dr. Mott said.
Interested students should visit http://www.tamiu.edu/coas/depts/biochem/MainPage.shtml and email caroline.kellogg@tamiu.edu to schedule an appointment.
Dr. Kellogg is originally from Massachusetts and attended Smith College, one of the few remaining women’s colleges in the country. She graduated cum laude with an undergraduate degree in biology and earned her Ph.D. in plant systematics from Cornell University.
In addition to her role as an advisor, Kellogg is responsible for managing the TAMIU scanning electron microscope and teaching a graduate-level course on electron microscopy.
“I can advise students on coursework and other requirements necessary for applying to medical school, provide information on various summer enrichment and early acceptance programs and provide advice on preparing for the MCAT and medical school interviews,” Kellogg explained.
Because office hours change each semester, students are highly encouraged to email Kellogg.
The TAMIU Cooperative Medical Programs are as follow:
Title: Joint Admission Medical Program (JAMP)
Agency: State of Texas Joint Admission Medical Program Council
Purpose: To provide highly qualified, economically disadvantaged students with admission to a Texas medical school and summer internships, mentoring, and personal assistance to prepare for medical school while in college.
Title: Early Medical School Acceptance Program (EMSAP)
Agency: University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston (UTMB Health)
Purpose: To provide exceptional students with conditional acceptance to UTMB as well as academic and pre-professional enrichment activities and clinical exposure to the medical profession.
Title: Facilitated Admissions for South Texas Scholars (FASTS)
Agency: University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio
Purpose: To allow students with academic excellence and a demonstrated interest in medicine to receive early acceptance to the UT School of Medicine at San Antonio and to provide students with academic enrichment and clinical experiences.
Title: Partnership for Primary Care (PPC)
Agency: Texas A&M Health Science Center
Purpose: To help qualified, dedicated students gain an opening to the medical field and eventually contribute to improving health care in parts of Texas that need it most through guaranteed admission to the Texas A&M Health Science Center College of Medicine and medical enrichment activities and clinical experience.
Title: Academic Enrichment Program (AEP)
Agency: University of Texas Medical Branch, School of Medicine, Hispanic Center of Excellence
Purpose: To provide an intensive, academically-enriched medical experience in the form of a five-week summer program for promising Hispanic students who are rising sophomores interested in a career in medicine.
Title: Medical Careers Diversity Program (MCDP)
Agency: University of Texas Medical Branch, School of Medicine, Hispanic Center of Excellence
Purpose: To provide an intensive, academically-enriched medical experience in the form of a five-week summer program for promising Hispanic students who are rising juniors and seniors interested in a career in medicine.
Title: Pre-Medical Academic Achievement and Retention Program (AARP)
Agency: University of Texas Medical Branch, School of Medicine
Purpose: To provide year-round web-based retention and academic enrichment activities and a two-week summer program in order to enhance the academic performance and increase the retention rate of lower socioeconomic and minority students that are traditionally underrepresented in allied health, medicine, and the sciences.
Title: Medical School Matriculation Program (MSMP)
Agency: University of Texas Medical Branch, School of Medicine
Purpose: To provide a six-week summer program to help students prepare for medical school. Level 1 is designed to give academic enrichment, motivation, and clinical exposure to rising junior pre-medical students; Level 2 provides rising pre-medical senior students with an intense, comprehensive MCAT preparation review course.
For more information, contact Kellogg at caroline.kellogg@tamiu.edu or 326.3123.
Additional information is also available on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and on TAMIU’s free mobile app available for download at www.tamiu.edu
Journalists who need additional information or help with media requests and interviews should contact the Office of Public Relations, Marketing and Information Services at prmis@tamiu.edu