TAMIU-SBDC Workshop Offers Various Business Workshops
The Texas A&M International University Small Business Development Center (TAMIU-SBDC) will sponsor several workshops throughout September.
Friday, September 21: Internet Marketing Workshop will be offered from 9:00 to 12:00 p.m., classroom location will be provided with registration confirmation. This hands-on workshop spans the entire process of building a simple website from the ground up, with plenty of pointers and reference material. Alejandro Quetzeri will lead the workshop covering traditional marketing versus internet marketing; basics of internet marketing, web analytics, search engine optimization, social media and pay per click – sponsor ads.
Tuesday, September 25: Managing Cash - the Small Business Owner's Guide to Financial Control Workshop is scheduled from 9:00 to 12:00 noon, classroom location will be provided with registration confirmation; $20 fee includes Workbook. Cash flow is what comes into and goes out of a business. Gaining financial control by understanding cash flow is crucial to business success. Tina Rodríguez, SBDC-certified business advisor, will review cash – the fuel that runs your business, maximizing your cash flow, tools for speeding up cash collections, overdue invoices, three tools for helping with accounts receivable, cash flow statements and four short-term financing solutions.
Thursday, September 27: the Employment Lifecycle Workshop will be offered from 10:00 to 1:00 p.m., classroom location will be provided with registration confirmation. The free of charge session will review the current trends and requirements in recruiting, hiring, developing, disciplining and terminating employees. Learn the fair and legal procedures for recruiting and interviewing applicants. Discover best practices that lead to well trained and productive employees. Evaluate employee discipline strategies and learn about current court rulings on progressive discipline. Develop clear and concise processes if employee termination becomes necessary.
For more information or to register for any of these workshops, please call the TAMIU-SBDC office at 956.326.2827, e-mail:sbdc@tamiu.edu or register online at http://sbdc.tamiu.edu
Journalists who need additional information or help with media requests and interviews should contact the Office of Public Relations, Marketing and Information Services at prmis@tamiu.edu