TAMIU ROTC Student Trains in Germany

"Every experience you get is going to shape you as a leader, and this one has been amazing," said Cadet Kevin Zuñiga, a Texas A&M International University (TAMIU) senior.
Zuñiga is talking about his summer participating in Cadet Troop Leader Training (CTLT) with the 212th Combat Support Hospital (CSH) in Miesau, Germany for in July and August.
Zuniga joined eight Army Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC) cadets from colleges and universities around the country in Miesau. His training within the 212th CSH included shadowing officers and leading soldiers through a variety of situations, including planning for training exercises.
The 212th CSH includes the cadets in every aspect of daily operations so they can see the Army from an Army Medicine perspective. Recently, all participated in simulating how to evacuate a casualty by helicopter. The experience gave them the opportunity to fly in one of the 12th Combat Aviation Brigades' MEDEVAC helicopters, and also afforded them leadership experience they might not receive before commissioning as a second lieutenant.
First Lt. Brian Thorson, 212th CSH, a sponsor for the cadets for a second year, said working with a medical unit has a distinct advantage.
"Any time a unit is deployed, you're going to have medical assets there, so you need to understand the echelons of care; so to understand that flow, it will be a huge asset to whatever unit they go,” Thorson said.
Zuñiga added that nothing his family or friends did this summer would compare to his experience. He said he is hoping to commission as an Army Helicopter Pilot upon completion of TAMIU’s ROTC program.
"The Army has made a great investment in paying to send cadets to CTLT. If the budget changes, this is a program that needs to be kept," Zuñiga observed.
For more information on TAMIU’s ROTC program, contact Alfredo Cavazos at 956.326.2387, email acavazos@tamiu.edu or visit offices in the Student Center, Suite 128.
The Fall semester at TAMIU begins Thursday, Aug. 23. Late registration continues through Wednesday, Aug. 29.
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