TAMIU Prof’s Fiction Book Published in Brazil

Follow a tiny trail and you might find yourself immersed in an imaginary world of ants and other short stories of fiction written by Colombian author and Texas A&M International University associate professor of Spanish Dr. José Cardona-López.
Titled, “Al otro lado del acaso,” (The Other Side of Perhaps) Dr. Cardona-López’s new book in Spanish has recently been published in Brazil by a prestigious publisher of internationally recognized authors, Lumme Editor.
A collection of 50 short stories, the book utilizes various literary intentions and styles such as narrative, poetic, irony and surrealism, Cardona-López explained.
“This is a book that I worked on bit by bit, taking my time, without rushing,” he said.
Author of short story books, “La puerta del espejo” (the Door of the Mirror), “Todo es adrede” (Everything is Deliberate), “Siete y tres nueve” (Seven and Three Nine) as well as the novel “Sueños para una siesta” (Dreams for a Nap), Cardona-López said he works best when he creates stories alien to his personal life.
“These are texts borne from absolute fiction,” he explained, “In this sense, I’d like to mention that it is very difficult for me, in fact, I am useless, when it comes to writing based on realities that I’ve experienced or things that I’ve had happen close to my life. Everything comes from my absolute invention or from a world that’s totally fictitious.”
Cardona-López said he is satisfied with his latest work.
“I am very happy and satisfied because it is the latest book that I’ve written, and well, it has already been published, and I hope it’s been read, which is the most important thing, “ he said, “Now, I hope to dedicate myself to other projects that I’m working on.”
Among his other projects are another novel, a book of short stories and screen writing for a feature film.
Some of his short stories have been adapted to short and medium length films that have premiered in film festivals in Paris, Colombia and Texas. They include “Pilar” (Spanish), “El teorema de Jenny” (Jenny’s Theorem/French), “La pañoleta” (The Headscarf/Spanish), and “L’appartement” (The Apartment/French).
Cardona-López a native of Palmira, Colombia, earned his Ph.D. in Spanish from the University of Kentucky and an M.A. in Spanish from the University of Louisville in Louisville, KY. His B.S. in agricultural engineering was earned at the National University in Palmira, Colombia.
As a scholar, he has published “Teoría y práctica de la nouvelle” (Theory and practice of the nouvelle), a book in which he presents and discusses extensively the theory of the nouvelle or short novel, written from the times of the German Romanticism to the 20th Century in Europe and America.
Prior to becoming a faculty member at TAMIU, Cardona-López was an instructor of Spanish at Hanover College in Hanover, IN.
Before Indiana, he held several positions as teaching assistant at the University of Kentucky and the University of Louisville, and was an arts instructor at the House of Arts "Papagayo de Cristal" in Bogotá, Colombia.
For years, he has also taught creative writing and literature as a faculty member in the prestigious Spanish School at Middlebury College in Middlebury, VT.
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