TAMIU, Northwestern Grad’s Film Debuts in SA
Two years ago, Texas A&M International University (TAMIU) graduate David Crawford moved to Chicago to pursue a master’s degree.
On Friday, Crawford, a native of San Antonio, will graduate with an MFA in Writing for Screen and Stage from Northwestern University after having directed and written a short film, titled, “Cy.cle,” premiering in Texas this weekend..
“Cy.cle,” tells the story of a hard-working business owner who must choose between his family and his business. It will be screened at the San Antonio Film Festival on Friday, June 22 from 9-11 p.m. at The Bijou Cinema & Bistro and Saturday, June 23 at the Palladium from 12:30-2:30 p.m.
Crawford, who earned his BA in Art from TAMIU in 2007, said he is excited to graduate with an MFA.
“I can’t wait to see what the future has in store for me,” he said.
Upon graduation, he plans to move to Los Angeles and seek a writer’s production assistant or writer’s assistant position in television.
“ I also plan on joining the Northwestern University Entertainment Alliance while continuing to write and rewrite original television spec pilots,” Crawford said.
His liberal arts education from TAMIU provided him the critical thinking and interpersonal skills needed to be successful in life, Crawford said.
“Higher education has helped me hone my craft as a writer and also forced me to take a critical look at my own work and ask the question, ‘Why do I write?,’ ” he said.
Crawford’s film, “Cy.cle” was produced using funds he earned from the Regina Taylor: State(s) of America Production Grant.
“I wanted to use this as an opportunity to look at the world and where I stood on issues facing my community,” Crawford said, “I hope my film fosters, encourages and demands an open forum for discussion.”
Crawford, who has interned at the Alternative Programming Department at Syfy Network and whose play, “Do Not Pass Go,” was selected for the Master Clash Festival held at the Next Theatre in Evanston, Ill., shared advice for those who would like to pursue an MFA for Screen and Stage.
“I would tell them to do their research and choose the school that best suits their needs and what they want to accomplish as a writer,” he said, “I would also recommend that they travel and see the world because writers tend to write from personal experiences.”
Summer Session II begins at TAMIU July 9. Fall Semester classes start Aug. 23.
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