TAMIU Signs MOU with Taiwan’s Nan Kai University
Texas A&M International University (TAMIU) announced an academic collaborative partnership with Nan Kai University of Technology, located in Nantou City, Taiwan, that will support the educational needs of both universities.
This month, Dr. Ronald Anderson, College of Education associate professor and chair of the Department of Teacher Preparation at TAMIU, traveled to Taiwan to conduct a series of English as a Second Language (ESL) workshops. He was present for the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) of Academic Exchange between TAMIU and Nan Kai University.
“The signing of the MOU was necessary to establish an international relationship between the two universities,” said Dr. Anderson.
The agreement outlines specifics of a cooperative program, enabling the two universities to foster education and research that expands the international experience for their students. It includes the promotion of bilateral cooperation through international academic exchanges of students and professors.
During his week-long stay and first time visiting Asia, Dr. Anderson taught 14 Nan Kai University professors different techniques and strategies on how to teach English as a second language to their students.
“The majority of Nan Kai University students do not speak English. Although a lot of their professors received their doctoral degrees in the United States, teaching content through English to their students has proven to be difficult,” said Anderson. During the workshop, Anderson told Nan Kai professors to expect mistakes, to focus on vocabulary, and to look for improvement in the reading and writing of their students. Through the implementation of ESL strategies, Nan Kai students will have better opportunities to pursue graduate work outside of their country.
“It was interesting to see the similarities and the types of differences between the two universities’ students,” Anderson said.
He noted that one of the best moments of his trip was meeting with a group of advanced English majors. Before meeting with the group, he was told that he might not get the participation he was seeking. In order to create interaction with the group, he had them pair up and asked them to write down one question to ask him.
“One group asked me, ‘What has been your favorite part about visiting Taiwan?’ Anderson’s response was “being here with this group of students.” Dr. Anderson said as a teacher, interacting with students who want to learn brings him great joy.
“By connecting the East and West through this common educational pursuit, we are gaining the value of inviting people to our University,” said Anderson. “Students from Nan Kai University are going to consider TAMIU when selecting a university for their graduate work.”
For more information, please contact Dr. Anderson at 956.326.2539 or e-mail randerson@tamiu.edu.
University summer hours are from 8 a.m. – 6 p.m. Monday-Thursday and from 8 a.m.- noon on Fridays.
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