Summer Workshops Offered by TAMIU-SBDC
The Texas A&M International University Small Business Development Center (TAMIU-SBDC) will sponsor several workshops this summer.
June offerings include:
Friday, June 19: Web Page Designing Part II. Promoting your Web site will be offered from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. in Dr. Billy F. Cowart Hall room 114. Fee is $20. This hands-on workshop series spans the entire process of building a simple Web site from the ground up, with plenty of pointers and reference material. Alejandro Quetzeri will lead the workshop covering traditional marketing versus Internet marketing; basics of Internet marketing, web analytics, search engine optimization and pay per click – sponsor ads.
Thursday, June 25: Fundamentals of Financing, a free of charge luncheon seminar, will be held from 11 a.m. to 2 pm. in the Western Hemispheric Trade Center Fernando A. Salinas Lecture Room (WHTC 111). The old adage that it takes money to make money is especially true for small businesses. The list of expenses for operating a small business seems endless: payroll, taxes, insurance, rent, office supplies, inventory, telephone bills, etc. Sooner or later, most businesses find themselves with inadequate cash flow to cover these and other expenses. A decision must be made: Is financing needed? If yes, attend this informative seminar to learn about available financing resources.
Speakers will include: Doug Smith, of the University of Texas at San Antonio’s International Trade Center; Annie M. Hudspeth, U.S. Small Business Administration and Aracely Nava, ACCION Texas.
For more information or to register, call the TAMIU SBDC office at 956.326.2827, or e-mail: Register online at
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