TAMIU’s National Library Observance Begins March 27
As part of its observation of National Library Week, Texas A&M International University’s Sue and Radcliffe Killam Library will host its annual Plant Sale from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Thursday, March 27 and Friday, March 28 on the TAMIU green in front of the Library.
An assortment of decorative and unusual plants will be on hand, including cactuses and succulents from TAMIU head of public services and associate Librarian John Maxstadt’s private collection. The Laredo Morning Times featured Maxstadt and his love of plants this past August in its Art of Living section.
Proceeds will fund library programs and outreach activities.
The annual plant sale is just part of several events hosted by the Ad Hoc Committee for National Library Week 2008.
Other events include:
- A book drive for children’s books which will be held April 7 through 18.
- The Annual Killam Library Poetry Reading held on Monday, April 14.
- A week of overdue fine amnesty in effect April 14 through 18.
The Poetry Reading will be held from 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. in the Great Room on the third floor of the Library. University faculty, students, staff and members of the community at large will read original poetry or favorite works from the literary canon. Persons interested in participating should contact Alejandra Puente at 326.2108 or alxgarza@tamiu.edu
The book drive will benefit the El Cenizo Public Library. Children’s books can be donated at the Circulation Counter on the first floor of Killam Library during regular library hours.
Amnesty for overdue books and other materials will be available April 14 - 20 and overdue fines will be waived. This amnesty does not apply to replacement fees for lost or damaged materials, and it does not apply to materials returned after April 20.
For further information about the TAMIU plant sale, please contact John Maxstadt at 326.2116 or jmaxstadt@tamiu.edu
For further information on the children’s book drive, please contact Celita Borchers at 326.2118 or cborchers@tamiu.edu
For further information on the week of amnesty from overdue book, please contact Lorenzo Rodriguez at 326.2110 or lrodriguez@tamiu.edu
Journalists who need additional information or help with media requests and interviews should contact the Office of Public Relations, Marketing and Information Services at prmis@tamiu.edu