Seminar on Workplace Accidents, Injuries offered by TAMIU-SBDC Nov. 13
The Texas A&M International University Small Business Development Center (TAMIU SBDC) will provide a targeted Seminar for business owners and managers on how to manage accidents and injuries in the workplace on Tuesday, Nov. 13, 2007 from 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. at TAMIU’s Western Hemispheric Trade Center, room 116.
Registration fee is $30. Those registering prior to Friday, Nov. 9 receive a $5 discount.
What is workplace safety? Workplace safety is about preventing injury and illness to employees in the workplace. Therefore, it’s about protecting the company’s most valuable asset: its workers. By protecting the employees’ well-being, the company reduces the amount of money paid out in health insurance benefits, workers’ compensation benefits and the cost of wages for temporary help.
Also factor in saving the cost of lost-work hours (days away from work or restricted hours or job transfer), time spent in orienting temporary help, stress on those providers who are picking up the absent workers’ share or, worst case, having to suspend or shut down a business due to lack of employees.
The seminar will be lead by Cynthia Ruiz from At Work Personnel and will include the following:
1. Employer Obligations
- General administration
- Medical care
- Injury notice
- Investigation
- Claim forms
- Employee relations
2. Preventing Accidents & Injuries
3. Safety Programs
- Good hiring practices
- Training
- Safety and performance appraisals
4. Managing Cases
5. Return –To-Work Programs
To register, call the TAMIU SBDC office at 956.326.2827 or e-mail
Office hours are from 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. Monday-Friday.
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