12 New Sames Scholars Named at TAMIU

The 12 newest members of Texas A&M International University's select Sames Scholars Program were introduced at a recent reception at the University's Student Center. (photo)
A college-bound mentorship program which pairs high school students with University faculty mentors throughout their high school experience, it offers students completing the program a four-year scholarship to TAMIU that includes tuition, books and fees.
The students and their respective high schools include:
Alexander High School - Alejandra De La Garza, Estefania Gonzalez and Diana Santos.
L. B. Johnson High School - Alejandra Hernandez, Noel Jaramillo and Gabriel Salvador Sanchez.
United High School - Carmen Bustos, Christopher Lozano and Areli Salinas.
United South High School - Miguel Garcia, Nora Elideth Gonzalez and Maria J. Mar.
The reception also served to celebrate those Sames Scholars graduating in 2006. They include:
Alexander High School - Ronnica Gutierrez, Denise Moreno and Michelle Sandoval.
L. B. Johnson High School - Juan Pedro Garcia.
United High School - Janet Garza and Miguel A. Hinojosa.
United South High School - Elsa Aguirre and Jose Pedro Sanchez.
The seniors will be presented with laptop computers when they begin classes this Fall at TAMIU.
Now in its fifth year of operation, the Sames Scholars Program is supported by local philanthropists Hank and Elizabeth Sames. To date, 54 students have been assisted by the program, including 36 currently enrolled in high school and 18 now enrolled at TAMIU as freshmen (10) and sophomores (8).
Twelve TAMIU faculty members have been selected to serve the program. They are Frank Collins, Cecilia Garza, Nathan Gonyea, San Juanita Hachar, Peter Haruna, Ned Kock, Diana Linn, Denise Longoria, Jyotsana Mukherji, Mary Petron, William Riggs, and Christy Teranishi.
In order to be eligible for the Program, students must meet economically disadvantaged State criteria, be first-generation college-bound, complete an application form and meet regularly with a designated TAMIU mentor after school.
While Scholars, they must maintain an 87.5% or better grade average, maintain a 95% attendance record and meet monthly with their mentor.
For additional information, contact the Office for Institutional Advancement at 956.326.2175, visit offices located in Sue and Radcliffe Killam Library 262, e-mail chein@tamiu.edu or visit http://www.tamiu.edu/adminis/vpia/?id=3
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