TAMIU Offices Closed, Classes Suspended for 4th
In a State-authorized observance, Texas A&M International University offices will be closed and classes suspended on Monday, July 4.
Offices will reopen and classes resume on Tuesday, July 5 at 8 a.m.
Summer Session II classes start Monday, July 11.
Registration is underway through Friday, July 8. Tuition and fees are also due on this day. SSII classes end Wednesday, Aug. 10.
Registration for Fall 2005 classes continues through Tuesday, Aug. 30. Classes begin Wednesday, Aug. 24. New Fall 2005 student orientation takes place Monday, Aug. 22 - Tuesday, Aug. 23.
For more information on Summer or Fall at TAMIU, click on tamiu.edu/affairs/registrar.
For current schedule information and/or to register online, please visit lasso.tamiu.edu.Journalists who need additional information or help with media requests and interviews should contact the Office of Public Affairs and Information Services at pais@tamiu.edu